Tuesday, December 1, 2009

walked to geula today.....a preview for this upcoming summer bz"h

Today I walked to geula. A store was have a mivtzah on hooks and my whole house looks like one big coat rack. there are now hooks in back of all my doors. I calculated from my walk today that it will the me 46 minuts and 56 seconds to walk to mommy this summer. (not including my stops for ice kaffe)

My kids are sleeping, need to go and maintain order in my house.

Welcome bubby sue. what a zchus to have you join are blog. maty you be zoche to another 50 years of blogging.

bassie j


  1. new plan for the summer: i think that we should stay in ramat eshkol [bas, find us a place] and every morning we can buy ice coffees and walk to mommy. only problem is there are 5 kids and 2 people. who tihnks chavi can do the walk?
