Thursday, December 31, 2009

first nite so far

it is currently 9:47 pm. yosef is still awake. i hear him but it sounds like he is actually in his room [not sure if in bed but def. his room]. yosef anbd chavi were put to bed at 7. he and chavi closed the door and we didnt hear from them for a while. adam went up to check on them. they had trashed the room. he put them to bed and chavi was asleep by 745. yos has been running around singing for the past 2 hours. he came down at around 8:30 and i put him back upsatirs thinking that would be the end. but i still heard him so i went up and he had turned on the lights and was reading. but since then he has been at the top of my stairs singing every song he knows. chanukah songs, ani maamin and the wheels on the bus were some that i could make out. ill post tomorrow what time he actually went down. i tihnk soon as i have not heard him since i finished the first few lines. [it could just be he is playing]

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