Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It is not easy being a single parent

Its tough having to balance school work with the children. Tonight i had to take away mikeys phone because he was texting instead of doing his school work. He screamed at me saying I have to do my school work instead of blogging. If he only knew the trials and tribulations I have to go through for my kinder (what is the singular of kinder).

Last nights post (since I was so busy I didnt have time to do it): I went to my friends wedding (their were more HASC sweatshirts there then suits) and I came a little late so I grapped my seating card and ran into the chuppah (pronunciation: CHOO - PA) and asked around (whispering) to see who was at my table. Everyone was at 49 and I was at 44. I was a little concerned but, IM CHAIM G NOTHING CAN STOP ME, so i proceed to my table with my head held up high and booming with self confidence. Baruch Hashem because I was the only boy at the table (maybe more girls then the library). I double checked the card and thank G-d I did, because I was about to sit in Ms. Chani Gross's seat. oops

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