Saturday, December 26, 2009

the name of the one was Shiphrah, and the name of the other Puah;

Im concerned. I was speaking to a friend of mine with older parents (he is 20 and his mom will be 60) and he told me his mom picked up a new profession. A LIBRARIAN (Ahhhhhhhhh). I can just see mommy saying "what a good idea". Can our mother become the old woman, chain around her reading glasses, shushing 6 month old babies? So i raised my concerns to mommy and she said "I dont think it is for me, but what about a midwife". I guess being mindy's labor coach wasn't enough, she wants a more active role. I cant wait to introduce my future wife to mommy, and explaining she is a midwife.

When I told my friend he responded "Oh my G-d, your going to have so many half brothers". Tzarich Iyun (requires explanation for those of you not yeshivishly inclined.

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