Thursday, December 24, 2009

Things i wish i could have said today

Girl: can you please be quiet
Chaim: If you want the 4th floor there is no talking so you might be able to study better
Girl: I tried but there are no eats up there
Chaim: how about stern, Im sure there are plenty of seats there.

Next Maysah, in the elevator.

Girl #1: Did you have any finals today?
Girl #2: Yeah my Kashrus final.
Chaim G: Clearly you failed your tznius final (we are still accepting donations to the Gimach).

Is it weird that i feel the need to shave before i go to studying? I think the reason the shiduch crisis exists in the more yeshivish velt (Why is it the Yeshivish Velt vs. The modern orthodox world, why cant we in YU be a velt) is because they dont study in the YU library. There is no age gap here. Any XY will talk to any XX (I'm referring to the male and female chromosomes to show how much i have learnt in college).

PS - Im having trouble with my essay does MC have any open slots in the writing center?

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