Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Movie Idea: Lamed Vav, the hidden tzaddikim of Yeshiva University

Now that finals are coming and I am going to" swap notes" to get all my notes I am starting to wonder who writes all these notes. I am suggesting a movie idea to track them down. For example: Ben Kendel has 56 pages of beautiful notes on Modern Jewish history or Etan Berman 36 pieces of art on Bible. I have never met either of these men but if they only knew the difference they are making in my life. The movie is to track them down, to let them know the difference they are making in the lives of many Young Yidden in Yeshiva University and just as an overall thank you for all there work. If only this movie can be counted a one of my finals.

P.S. I went to show my friend the post and turned to the security guard and asked "are you a security guard?" he responded yes, i then proceeded to ask him if he can "guard" my powerade for me while im gone. With a big grin on his face he said sure. BH for YU security.


  1. Is is possible to keep the movie G and have it ready in time for Pesach?

  2. MC's close with Ben. JK. Ask MC to tell you abt reading week...thats when his hasmada shined through.

  3. I would like to add DOVID HALPERN and ZACH STERN to the movie.

  4. Chaim, I'm shocked that I wasn't included in the Gross family blog. Your family likes me at least as much as you and I'm also friends with MoJack
