Sunday, February 6, 2011

What Shiurim not to listen too

I have a new project for my post night seder learning project. Rabbi Lebowitz from DRS gives what he calls the "10 minute halacha shiur". It is a shiur on a variety of topics that takes 10 minutes (no surprises there). Being that they are only 10 minutes I listen to a few a night hoping to get a better grasp on halachah. Today the last of the shiurim I listened to was on hilchos Peyos the, shiur went something like this. "There are a few different opinions where exactly the place for peyos encompass, The first is over here, the second is over here including this area over here. The last opinion includes all of this". Im sure it was a great shiur but not every shiur has a place on YU torah.

I also saw this Video on Youtube and thought of one family member who's name rhymes with "likey" and wants a "mackberry"

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