Monday, February 14, 2011

Shidduchim - The Trading Card Game

Every female gets three cards when they enter the shidduch world. These cards are like baseball cards with stats on them such as seminary, high school, how they would identify themselves... These cards are distributed to boys, they can either take the action of contacting a shadchan to be set up or if they feel they are not interested they can trade them. As the game intensifies this is a classic game of strategy and skill. At any point a trade can be offered (I'll trade you two MMY girls for a michlalah and a darchei binah). You may not go out with a girl if you do not have a card. Maximum of three cards per a guy and you cant hold onto a card for more then two weeks without one shidduch action (a trade, phonecall, contacting a shadchan, going on an NCSY shabbaton, HASC reunion...)or a penalty will incur (having to go on an out to eat first date with that girl).

PS - This is a joke and should not be taken seriously, (I hate Jewish History HW (which has more new testament in it then a sunday speech by Reverend Al Sharpton))
PPS - I do have a heart

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