Monday, February 7, 2011

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Close Talker

I am trying to write a paper in the library and you are distracting me. There is no need to play chicken while leaning closer to each other in the middle of a conversation. There is no reason to whisper so softly that ones ear has to be in the others mouth just to hear them. There is no reason i should feel like im disturbing something personal by just writing a paper in the library. There is no reason I feel like I'm on Mach Hach right now. Shomer Negiah is not lets see how close we can get without touching (If you wanna play that game Ill bring twister next time I come to write a paper). On Mach Hach the rule was that a girls sleeves had to be at least five fingers past their shoulder. I think we should apply the same rule to conversations, at least five fingers separating the boy and girl, all in favor comment "I".

PS - Does anyone know anything about huckleberry fin?

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