Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Daniel can't burp

Today we were sitting around our table having a nice family lunch in the heights when the subject of burping came up. Actually we were talking about farting but one thing lead to another and we ended up talking about burping. And that is when Daniel had his confession. He doesn't know how to burp. We all have weaknesses in life. DD can't wake up, Schild likes to break cars (two in one week and left to YU with the keys of the third) I (chaim G) like to learn (Hashems Hayligah Torah) too much. What we can learn from this is we all have weaknesses. Its not our weaknesses that define us but how we conquer them. This is when Danny Tanner gives michelle a hug and there is a loud awwww from the audience (I love full house).

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