Thursday, January 28, 2010

A moving Birthday

I hate birthdays. You have to tell people it is your birthday just so they can say HAPPY BIRTHDAY. (I have also been getting a lot of text, there is the no frills happy birthday, the overly excited HAPPY BIRTHDAY, the tons of exclamation points happy birthday!!!!!!! and so much more). This year I thought it would be no different but for some reason it is. I dont know if someone just sent out a group email behind my back or something else but a lot of people are remembering this year. Not that I am one to need my ego built up anymore, but its nice for some reason when you get the random happy birthday email. SO, i would like to express hakaros hatov to all those who called me for my birthday and just letting the olam know for some reason birthdays matter, so remember them.

PS - Im going to the seforim sale tonight, maybe ill get a "special" birthday present

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