Monday, January 11, 2010

Can I do this full time?

I think i want to be a professional hiker. All I need to do is put on a southern accent and be very nice. Im not sure how all these people make money just hiking but they have to or else they wouldnt be able to hike everyday. If that doesnt work I want to make a kollel called Kollel Bachutz, where we learn about Hashem through the nature around. (if it just seems like hiking all day, your not too far off). Got to go learn something.

Good Night Team


  1. so nice to hear from you, Charles. Have you seen any wild moose or buffalo yet?

  2. i was really nervous about you, i already called your mac laptop, sorry Mikey.

  3. Ma, I didnt know you know the rashey tevos of LOL
