Thursday, January 21, 2010

I dont know what title to use.... maybe

As we (Me, Mommy, Batya, Ruch, and Perchei) were walking to go excange money Batya told us what she hates most that parents do: "I hate how parents bribe their kids with food, it just drives me crazy." 5 minutes later when we came to the exchange place Ruch started crying, and having a tantrum. "OK hold on Ruch, Batya then went to the store next door and got her a lollipop. WAIT! TIMEOUT! IS THIS CONSIDERED BRIBING!? "Mikey don't post this on the blog really, it's different I wasn't really "bribing" her. Later Ruch had another tantrum, and I told her if she keeps crying Mommy will get you an ice coffee. (PLEASE NOTE: Batya let me post this eventually)

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