Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hi my name is Chaim Gross and I am addicted to the Library

Have you ever got that feeling, just wishing you can go back to simpler more fun times. Well I wish I can go back to the YU Library during study week. It puts the gush in Gushmak. I always know where my friends are (in the library). I always had someone to talk to. I always had a girl that I had to speak to because we went to camp hasc together. I always had a couple to spy on. I always had something to blog about. I was always doing something, plotting something, something something. It mamish was bechinas Camp Hasc (in a high functioning bunk). Only 112 more days to reading week of next semester. (the number is made up, its just a joke that i am counting down to reading week next semester already).

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