Friday, November 20, 2009

who is available on dec. 31?

for those who did not hear about my morning yesterday here it is in short:
avromi was up from 3:18-5:15. he was kind enough to wake up his sibling at 4:45. bh they stayed in bed tll 5:20 when there tzaddik father took them downstairs. i went back to sleep as i had been up with rumbles. since rumbles has had 3 ear infections since succos i had to take him to the ent. he fell asleep the exit before we were supposed to get off. i called the dr. to see if they were running on time, she informed me that they were, but i had 15 min of paper work to fill out so at 10:10 i woke rumbles so we would have 20 minutes to fill out paper work. it took a whole 4 minutes to fill out the papers. at 11:46 i asked the lovely receptionist if i was going to be seen any time soon. to sum it up the doctor came in at 11:57 and i was paid, made my next appt., got avromi in the stroller and was out the door by 12:13. so if anyone is around on the 31st to take him to his next appt it would be greatly appreciated.

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