Tuesday, November 3, 2009

NCSY 09 continued

Erev shabbos we had a concert to get us ready for shabbos, it was lot of fun (im not an ambi-dancer I can only dance putting my right foot forward not my left). Davening was very nice then afterwards we (the advisors) got split up on to different tables to sit with the kids for the meal. As the kids came out they all went to the advisors they already knew. I stood up on my chair and started to scream "really cool advisor over here" and they came flocking like a really thirsty dog to a big bucket of water. The meal preceded uneventful followed by divrei torah (which featured swear words for some odd reason hopefully will be explained on a later post). Then we had a tisch for the next two hours which featured anna bikoach (click on the link) like you have never heard it before. We walked back afterwards in the pooring rain and lost one of the kids along the way and had to search for him for an extra ten minutes. Hung out for a few hours then passed out for another fun filled day.

"C" is not coming to thanks giving dinner
we dont need to discuss "C"s channukah present yet
We can blog about other things besides for "c"


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