Saturday, November 28, 2009

What are they going to talk about by my Aufruf?

I was by Aryeh Schlusselbergs aufruf today and they told many fascinating stories. It was a mixture of stupid things he said and great middos. What are they going to talk about by my Aufruf?

Also, I was walking with Adam Schachar today when we bumped into Cousin Sandy (not related to Father Thomas and distantly related to Cousin Matty) and she was walking with one of her friends. When she sees me and Adam she is so excited and introduces us "this is my cousin-in- law Adam Schachar and this is my VERY CHOSHAV cousin chaim". On a scale of one to Moshe Chaim how choshav am I? i guess out of the entire mishpacha adam is the only not choshav one (Mikey is bistama choshav, being my brother is very choshav). Thats all for now.

PS NO ONE GO TO CRAWFORDS (its a new coffee and muffin shop that opened up) TONIGHT "cough cough" IS HAVING A SUPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY TONIGHT!! (i heard some of her friends saying how her neck looked naked and could have used a new nice simple bow necklace)

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