Monday, November 16, 2009

Chupah Singers
My chavrusa has recently became the front man for the critically acclaim YU Acapella group The MAccabeats (its a play off the Yu sports team the maccabies and the word beat as in tempo to music). Does he have what it takes to oust Adam as the official Gross family Chupah guy? (this does not mean i am getting engaged tomorrow, Batya no need for a diet and mindy you dont need to go to kick boxing twice a week). Me and my friends are also working on a spoof (if you lok at all the singers hand motions they are gishmak (look for the fist pump of the front man five seconds in. Also in the back if you look carefully you can see Pruss (of flatbush choir fame). Thats all for now and BH shabbos went great with robbie. speak to yall later

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