Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Todah Raba, Batya

Thanx for posting Zaide's phone number. I love reading your posts. Is everone aware that Mikey is signed up for Lev Leytzan? This is a year long program to train to be a medical clown. He trains for a year, then he and his troupe will be performing for the next for years in hospitals, nursing homes etc. The group has alos performed in Eretz Yisrael and Eastern Europe. Ta and I are really proud of the committment Mikey has made. We wish him much hatslacha in his training and may he bring much simcha to those whose lives he will touch, IYH".
Aunt Suri would like to know who will be joining her this Thanksgiving. Gitty is fluctuating between the first night of Chanuka (Motzei Shabbos) and the next morning brunch. We need feedback.
Mikey has a BJE training course tomorrow and will be taking them IYH" Sunday. Hatslacha, Mike! Mike also has DRS open house on Sunday. Could this really be?
We wish Chavi hatslacha in Bassis Yaacov. (How many years til they honor Zaide?)
Refuah Sheleimah to EP.
Boo - regarding the chanukah gift -what about the TAG cookbook I just got you and Min? Coffee machine?
Judy dropped off Mikey's BM gift yesterday - A takeout menu box to hold all the menus. How cute?
Need to check on the chicken soup. Who needs?

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