Thursday, December 31, 2009
first nite so far
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
It is not easy being a single parent
big boy bed
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A poopy poem

I walked off the elevator and I gasped, what a shock,
Monday, December 28, 2009
I guess I could go into the family busines

My midterm today was deadly. I gave it 110% so I guess there is nothing i can complain about. But I was thinking, why am I trying so hard, Why dont I just go in to the family business. There are a lot of tough question I have to ask myself though. Toras Moshe (ToMo) or YGFT (Yeshiva Gedolah of the Five towns. Should I go for the chashov melech route or the humble cool talmif chacham route. Either way, father in laws dont grow on trees so it is back to the library for me.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Wow! haven't blogged in a while....ACHAH!!!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
the name of the one was Shiphrah, and the name of the other Puah;
Visitng Day
Bassie J
Bubby Zeidie Coming
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Things i wish i could have said today
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Exciting times in the library
Job of the week
Perfusionists assist surgeons performing open-heart and other cardiac surgeries. They set up and operate the heart-lung machine that keeps patients alive by pumping oxygenated blood throughout the body while the heart is being operated on. Anyone interested in this profession should have the ability to concentrate for long periods of time
After half a week of studying for finals I think I can conclude both Moshe Chaim and I have the same chance of going into this field.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
"Is Ta planning on coming early?"
I visted Bubby and Zaidy. Esther loves Zaidy, its really cute.
Hope everyines enjoying the snow.
Basya J
Monday, December 21, 2009
Chaim Days till Purim
Whats before surprise bart B?
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Busy Week
Sunday night - chazura shuir chanukah party
monday night - wechter party sponsered by the gross's
tues nigth- latzas bas mitzvah (roch threw up all over the fanciest ppl's car)
wednes day - reuits partys
thursday night - nervous break down and screamed at mc
friday night - cheskin and daniel + four boys
i would post my menu for shabbos (chaim, dotn worry, its chicken soup this shabbos) but i hardly started cooking. if i dont get a chance to post tom. whioch i probally wont b/c im cooking with my 2 helpers
have a great shabbos
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Movie Idea: Lamed Vav, the hidden tzaddikim of Yeshiva University
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
for your listening pleasure
chavi and yosef have been putting on chanukah concerts for me for weeks now. here is a tidbit for you to hear.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Mikey and I Hit the Big Apple
They really need to make the library all boys
Needed to chill
Mc has chazara shiur tom. Im not sure that its coninceidental that after the 'trifels' his attendance increased by 300%
Got to go to sleep befpre Esther wakes up, Bas
(quick funny story, mc put up a mechitzvah from my living room to the kitchen. In order to exit my house you needed to go through the kitchen. So MC's night seder chavrusa needed to leave early so he left the living room and on his way out thanked me ect. and when he was in the middle of doing so MC screams from across the room ''Bas, who u shmoozing with in the kitchen? and the whole place starts cracking up..
gtg to sleep
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Its not so funny
Friday, December 11, 2009
yummy snack
c: are you eating flour yos?
y: no im eating sugars
i go over to the pantry and sure enough yos is shoving fistfuls of sugar into his mouth. one may think oh no a kid bouncing off the wall. but bh it was 830 so it was morah miriams problem not mine. on a side note this was not the first time an occurence like this has happened week. on tueday yos was eating baking soda. he was foaming at the mouth.
The mikvah
Today Lakovod chanukah i decided to go to the mikvah. Since this was an on the spot decision i did not bring my own towel but used one of the public towels (eww gross). But you think that the towels were at least washed and dried. Not always. By the mikvah next door to the Ohel i was able to take a rare peak into its inner workings on erev Rosh Hashanah. I looked in the back room where i saw the men putting the towels in the dryer with no washing machine in sight. I guess the recession hit them really bad. May we all be zocheh to use freshly DRIED towels by the mikvah. AMEN
Thursday, December 10, 2009
motzai shobbos menu
apple cider
garlic knots
latkes [w/ caviar ala schachar]
mini mushroon onion quiches
mini blinies
2 salads [courtesy of ma]
sufganiyot [beverly is buying]
red velvet cupcakes
yodel cupcakes
Sweater Vest
I have another engagement party tonight (am i the only one of my friends not engaged (even friedmans engaged)). So i decided to get dressed up. Im wearing a croc shoes, black pants, an adam shirt, and a sweater vest (see above). I walked into morning seder and everyone had a comment. Cant a man just wear a sweater vest in peace. Is a sweater Vest that big of a deal (its the warmth of a sweater with the freedom of motion like nothing was there). I think NOT!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
chanuka party
garlic bead
orange soup
lasagne/spinach lasagne
salmon loaf x2
ceaser salad
veg salad with honey mustard dressing
cake+ice cream
the jacobwitzs would like to thank the gross's for co-sponsoring the wechter/pilochowsky chanuka party. your plaque will be mailed to you in the mail.
estehers crying gtg
American line working
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Bubby Sue, this ones for you
American line not working
nows the test to see who really loves me
Nothing exciting happening in my life right now
Monday, December 7, 2009
I'm Sick
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Personal Chef

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Sacks-a- tone '09
Friday, December 4, 2009
What Do Yeshiva Bachrim Do After MIshmar
Did anyone loose anything?
tri clor gefilta
orange soup from the freezer
apple kugel
yerushalmi kugel
yeshiva desert made from richs whips
have a great shabbos. i would say i love u all but i cant keep track whose following the blog.
Thursday, December 3, 2009

8 months
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
בלי עין הרע
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
a living petri dish?
walked to geula today.....a preview for this upcoming summer bz"h
My kids are sleeping, need to go and maintain order in my house.
Welcome bubby sue. what a zchus to have you join are blog. maty you be zoche to another 50 years of blogging.
bassie j
New Rule: No making puns, especially with the word Gross in it.
Monday, November 30, 2009
We get a GROSSa Mazel Tov
bubby sue
Sunday, November 29, 2009
We Hey'd
lunch recap
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Lonely Traveler
Mikey- so Ta are we going to Israel in July?
Ta- yes. your going right after camp
Mikey- wht do you mean I'M going
Ma- well I'm already going to be there fixing up the apartment
Mikey- so how am i going to get to Israel?
Ta- your going to go by yourself
Mikey- are you kidding me!!!!!!!!!!.........
The end of the story is that they werren't kidding, and now im going to be sitting on a plane with some smelly Lebavitch guy who is going to be making brachas the whole ride (AMEN!)
What are they going to talk about by my Aufruf?
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
chaim, too lazy to travel to stern?
Meet Your Bashert Over ‘Video Conferencing’ - ShidduchVision, Approved By Gedolim
November 25, 2009PHOTO LINK BELOW: This past Sunday, together with the Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Malkiel Kotler, Shlita, the venerable Mashgiach, HaRav Matisyahu Soloman, Shlita and HaRav Dovid Weinberger, Shlita, Rav, Cong Shaaray Tefila, Lawrence, NY, Shadchanim and Baalei Batim alike gathered in Lakewood, to celebrate the launch of its first ShidduchVision studio.
ShidduchVision, under the Haskamah of G’dolei HaDor and prominent Rabanim, consists of live interactive video conferencing which enables eligible single men and women who live in distant cities to “meet” one another. Such singles now have the opportunity to get to know each other in the comfort of a ShidduchVision studio, located in a private home in their own city. Sitting in front of commercial grade, high quality and highly secure professional video-conferencing equipment, in a personal and private studio setting, they can have a pleasant meeting, much as they would in person. Up to three such low-cost meetings can be arranged before the couple decides whether travel and meeting in person constitute the right next move.
With studios currently operating in Baltimore and Chicago and with another opening soon in Toronto, Lakewood joins in the effort to further ease the Shidduch situation by alleviating the financial and emotional strain of long-distance dating. In many cases, the expensive and timeconsuming travel discourages people from undertaking to meet a proposed match who lives in another city. Others who do make such efforts become frustrated when the trip proves unsuccessful – which only further increases the likelihood that future suggestions involving travel will be shunned. By providing a low-cost, hassle-free means of introducing singles who live apart, ShidduchVision helps to remove one of the major barriers to successful Shidduchim.
ShidduchVision Lakewood is now open and ready to serve Lakewood singles in facilitating their initial long-distance dates. Shadchanim will continue to suggest Shidduchim in their traditional way, and will be responsible for placing reservations in the studios for their singles. All ShidduchVision studios are also available for Shadchanim to meet singles from anywhere in the world, wherever other such studios are located.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thanksgiving side dishes
Borrowed a neighbors computer to blog
mikey-shgiach on the grade's, ur cut out for gadlus
chaim--thanx for doing all the leg work for the new computer
mindy-refuah sheleima bekarov
ma-ill speak to u in 3 seconds
ta-ta never checks the blog
thats all for this evning
p.s. ep had diariha and statred crawling
p.p.s roch lost 3 lbs. jk
Bassie J
That fine gentelman over there has sent you ladies a piece of Sgulah Challah
Monday, November 23, 2009
Can't think of a title...
1. Got highest in the grade on my science test (116)
2. Got highest in the grade on book report (80/85)
3. No offense to the rapps family but....... I think this website is way to public now, I will no longer publish until I know this site is secure for the most part so this is my goodbye....
Chollel - Chaim's Kollel
Sunday, November 22, 2009
New 5T G'mach
Hey Mike, it could be worse
I was sitting around with a bunch of friends on shabbos when i was in formed that a guy a year older then me parents just had a baby boy (MAZEL TOV), and he isnt even the oldest. Lets get some perspective, the gap between the oldest and youngest is 24 years and between the second to youngest and youngest is 1o years. The father will be able to get a senior citizens discount on the bar mitzvah and the machatanim can easily be one of their sons friends. If mikey goes with mommy to crawfords for latte's on sundays (maysah shehaya) then what do you think this kid is going to get.
does nobody love avromi???
Saturday, November 21, 2009
For The Tenth Time
Friday, November 20, 2009
who is available on dec. 31?
avromi was up from 3:18-5:15. he was kind enough to wake up his sibling at 4:45. bh they stayed in bed tll 5:20 when there tzaddik father took them downstairs. i went back to sleep as i had been up with rumbles. since rumbles has had 3 ear infections since succos i had to take him to the ent. he fell asleep the exit before we were supposed to get off. i called the dr. to see if they were running on time, she informed me that they were, but i had 15 min of paper work to fill out so at 10:10 i woke rumbles so we would have 20 minutes to fill out paper work. it took a whole 4 minutes to fill out the papers. at 11:46 i asked the lovely receptionist if i was going to be seen any time soon. to sum it up the doctor came in at 11:57 and i was paid, made my next appt., got avromi in the stroller and was out the door by 12:13. so if anyone is around on the 31st to take him to his next appt it would be greatly appreciated.
SRULI! Baruch Haba!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Things waiters won't tell our family:
Batya- If you ask a waiter how many calories are in a particular dish, they won't tell you, even if they know. they will say "all that information is online.
Ta- If you make a big fuss about your soup not being hot enough they'll just take your spoon, and put it under really hot water, so it seems hot, but it's just as hot as wok tov's soup.
Ma- If your dessert says "homemade" it probably is, but from a bakery 3 miles away.
Chaim- If your on a date, and all of a sudden other servers come by to refill your water, or clear your plates, assume that they're listening.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
2 good yosef stories
2. for this weeks project yosef came home with a well. [for those of you who were in shul and heard the parsha should understand the project]. anyways we are at the shobbos table eating soup and yosef asks adam for his well. now i, with my motherly instincts knows where this is going. adam clearly does not as he handed yosef his well. yos takes him well and begins ladeling his soup into his well.
smileys at costco :)
Chupah Singers
My chavrusa has recently became the front man for the critically acclaim YU Acapella group The MAccabeats (its a play off the Yu sports team the maccabies and the word beat as in tempo to music). Does he have what it takes to oust Adam as the official Gross family Chupah guy? (this does not mean i am getting engaged tomorrow, Batya no need for a diet and mindy you dont need to go to kick boxing twice a week). Me and my friends are also working on a spoof (if you lok at all the singers hand motions they are gishmak (look for the fist pump of the front man five seconds in. Also in the back if you look carefully you can see Pruss (of flatbush choir fame). Thats all for now and BH shabbos went great with robbie. speak to yall later
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Good Housekeeping in Eretz Yisrael
Saturday, November 14, 2009
update! Motzei shabbos parshas Chayei Sara
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Late night at the J's
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Bubby sue, we love you
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Carrie this is Bubby Sue, Bubby Sue this is carrie
Davis Renov Yeshiva High School For Boys

Very cool open house looking forward to 4 awesome years, a lot of new (and strange) people. I think for extra curricular im gonna take either debate team, sushi class, or cooking, the only reason im taking cooking is because you get to eat the food you make, but they said you should sign up for that early because that's their most popular class, and the best part is whatever we don't eat is leftovers in the Gross house! yay!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Blogging from new PC
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Any Ideas
Hi my name is Chaim can We be friends?
Today we have a town hall meeting with President Richard Joel shlita. My goal is try to meet him and take a picture and then hopefully be able to post it. I will be giving constant updates on where the Jewish future is heading (if he doesnt know then who does). stay tuned for updates.
Shabbos Menu..shoudl i add any extra settings?
Gefilta fish
(orange soup -fri. night)
chiken on the bone/Schnitzel
deli roll (deli from hakers)
potato kugel
cherry noodle slice
string beans/salad
koksh cake
A gutten shabbos, bj
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I'll tell you......... NOW MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!!!!!
At least you didn't friend me
shut down
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
NCSY 09 continued
Todah Raba, Batya
Aunt Suri would like to know who will be joining her this Thanksgiving. Gitty is fluctuating between the first night of Chanuka (Motzei Shabbos) and the next morning brunch. We need feedback.
Mikey has a BJE training course tomorrow and will be taking them IYH" Sunday. Hatslacha, Mike! Mike also has DRS open house on Sunday. Could this really be?
We wish Chavi hatslacha in Bassis Yaacov. (How many years til they honor Zaide?)
Refuah Sheleimah to EP.
Boo - regarding the chanukah gift -what about the TAG cookbook I just got you and Min? Coffee machine?
Judy dropped off Mikey's BM gift yesterday - A takeout menu box to hold all the menus. How cute?
Need to check on the chicken soup. Who needs?
not my genes, words of wisdom from R.m.c.j.
what to get "C" for chanuka
Monday, November 2, 2009
Playing with fire?
baysis yaakov
sunshine had her bby interview today. she was delicious and participated very nicely. the highlight of the interview was when we had our meeting with rabbi hiller. rabbi hiller told us that they have very few spots open for her class but we shouldnt worry b/c they are saving a spot for us. that "b'zchus avos" we got in. he said the zchus avos is not ta but rather zaidy melvin. he told me that i should relay that to zaidy. i told him that zaidy would probably be happier if his zechus got chavi into halb. he laughed.
Long time no blog
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Steve Madden engadged?
Thank you
Saturday, October 31, 2009
gut voch
Team Mikey Atteeeeention!
Friday, October 30, 2009
I have nothing funny to post
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Blog Rating
Today is Rochel Emanu's Yarzheit. I went to hear Rebetzin Jaeger and Rebetzin Heller speak. When R' Jaeger spoke about Rochel Emanu and Hashem's promise to her, "Vashavu Banim Ligvulam" I couldn't help but think that our purchase in Rechavia, is in some small way, a fullfillment of Hashem's promise to Rachel Emanu. (and, yes, I had tears in my eyes). 22 hours til chatzos! Love you.
Team Chaim Attention, Our team is Number ___
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
class trip
1. sitting on a school bus made me nausea
2. the radio was on i didnt know a single song [my husband would argue thats a frum thing]
3. one of my students asked me if i knew danielle whitman. she thought i was her age. i know that means she thought i was younger then i am. but still, it made me feel old
4. we were watching a presentation at the museum and it was going thru a time line. they finally reach the year 1999. and my students got all excited b/c they were finally talking about a time when they were actually alive.
such big trouble
chaim g decided it would be a good idea this past summer to stock my house with food for himself, less i run out of food and he has nothing to eat. amongst the things he bought and never ate was a case of 100 ices. i am upstairs this morning feeding rumbles breakfast when yos comes in asking for a paper towel. i ask him why and he says, "for the ices, chavi and i are drenched". [yes, he know the word drenched, it is a word i use to describe him often]. i go downstairs to check out the scene. c and y are sitting there making "projects" with the ices and some of the ices are leaking everywhere. solid!! who thinks chaim should come home and sit with carpet cleaner and spot clean my carpet????
homework helpline
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Blog Dying?
Ta and Blackberry
Mommy- you say abt every shuir that its one on the most inspirational shuirim you head, whats amen doing for Rochel Imenu's yeratzeit?
Ta- is now only speaking to his mishpacha via email
Mindy- tell yoses teacher that he eats brocoli every night for dinner which adds a greenish tint to his shnot
Chaim- I will never be as skinny as "c"
Mikey- I think ur the funniest youngest member of the mishpacha
Monday, October 26, 2009
blog control
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I win
Is Mindy funny?
shnotty noses
yosef's teacher is a little scary when it come to runny noses. if yosef's nose is running and it is the slightest shade of green he gets a note sent home saying that kids with runny noses should not come to school. seriously???? his nose will probably be shnotty from now until april [note i did not say pesach as pesach is in the winter this year]. so now i have to figure out tomorrow just how green is yosef's runny nose. im scared of his teacher. on that note chavi thinks she can blow her nose. she is going thru tissues like water [her nose is runny also]. yosef on the other hand thinks his hand is the best tissue and is the dirty shnotty child you see on the street and wonder why he has such a horrible mother who would let him walk around like that.
Arizona and the Global Warming Myth
I dont know if you were all informed but i was planning on going to arizona for a week with my friends for winter break. We were going to go white water rafting, hiking, and just enjoy the great out doors. Little did we know how cold it was going to be outdoors (average of 44 degrees in january). Atleast we dont need to worry about girls needing the gmach. Does anyone else have any suggestions for winter break 2010?
Never eat bran cereal when reading a blog
BTW - can someone help Ta out with posting?
Saturday, October 24, 2009
rabbi frand?
We Survived Shabbos
No, I dont like him, Im married w/ kids
Uncle Mikey
Friday, October 23, 2009
I found it
Chaim is going to be a Ben Yachid this shabbos and is NOT looking forward to it. Does anyone have any suggestions why that may be so? I have a number of suggeations but...
Have a wonderful Shabbos. I love you all... and Mikey - have a wondrful, fantastic Shabbos and a great time in Canada!!!
Lost my original message
It's only from me (Ma) the message. Ta is going to have to figure this one out on his own!!!!
MarJac and P
The fetas, tantas, bubys, zeigies, evreyones shver and shviger, eiden and einiklach.
Bassie J
maybe he can lend it to you?
Its almost chatzos, doesn't look like Im going to be ready. Sorry Ma.
A Gutten, heliga shabbos to the gantza mishpacha
Chaim, this blog was such a chessed considering that no one in our family ever communicates with each other, jk.
Enjoy the lasagne.
What A Dish

Mommy decided to make dinner tonight (wok tov called up furious and mommy had to explain it was just a once a month thing). She made a spinach lasagna in the new pan I (insert joke here) bought her. Mommy's one complaint about it is that it does not make enough to put in the freezer for Chanukah party. May we be zocheh to cook many more lasagnas in such a dish.