(read in Rabbi Feiners voice and picture the hand motions and beard stroking) And their I was walking around YU and I saw a sign with a picture of the eloscious Rabbi from The White Shul, Congergation Knesseth Israel of Far Rockaway and I became intrigued. I went and took another look and lo and behold he was giving a shiur tonight L'zecher nishmas Rotty (Eight months to the day). SO how could one go and pass up an oppurtunity like this. So lo and behold i walked in and enjoyed the shiur. A little piece of torah lizecher nishmas - He explains how the word Yavan is made up of three leters - Yud, Vav, Nun and how the Vav represents spirtuality so what yavan does is take the Yud (spirtuality) bring it down to earth (Vuv) and then bury it (Nun) while the jews are just pure Yud which is madu up of the letters - Yud, Vuv, Dalid - So the Jews take the Yud bring it to earth (vav) but then try to spread the knowledge (how the dalid goes out. May we all be zocheh to spread the torah that was lost with the loss of one of the great neshamas of klal Yisroel and may his Neshama have an Aliyah.
PS - me and my friends are going out for lizechar nishmas shwarma
we definetly have the same genes. any reason is a good reason to have a shawarma.