Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Is Ta planning on coming early?"

Those were MC's (shlit"a) words as he opened up the fridge and saw that there was nothing in it. I told him I was saving up for Ta and thene he responded "Is Ta planning on coming early." Don't wory were not completly starving yet (Im just liquidating the freezer.) OK, bs"h Hashem (and Ta) will provide.

I visted Bubby and Zaidy. Esther loves Zaidy, its really cute.

Hope everyines enjoying the snow.

Basya J


  1. i am soooo over the snow. i had to shovel a path in my driveway b/c we couldnt get to the garbage cans and havent taken out the garbage since sunday.

  2. I finally took out the garbage from Motzei Shabbos and it opened up somewhere between the steps and the gate to the back. As I was opening the gate the entire bottom of the bag opened. I'm kind of hoping the racoons that are in hibernation will eat it by the time Ta comes home.
