Winter Break 2010: Tentative plans for winter Break, Fly out thursday afternoon/night and crash in a cheap motel. Spend friday wondering around San Fransisco and spend shabbat with random families in the San Fransisco community (CJF will hook us up). Saturday night beg the families to let us stay an extra night and on sunday go to alkatraz. Sunday afternoon leave to yosemite park where we will stay in a log cabin with a Massive Hot tub. For day activities we will go skiing one day, snow shoeing one day, and hiking the last. Then leave back to NY on the red eye Thursday night. Oh and the best part ELIE is coming (oh chaim, why cant you be more like Elie). A more detailed schedule -
Does anyone else have any good ideas?
My dad got a great christmas present: scratch off lottery tickets! A very creative present.