Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Borrowed a neighbors computer to blog

It's Bassie J. Long time, no post. Whats going on e/o? Welcome extended mishpacha to the blog. Today I went to my tznuis group, the topic was makeup. The shiala was if make up is meants to extenuate and the concept tznuis is to not cause attention to oneself, why is make up mutar? I leave it to is this chashuva oylam to handel. e/o should place thre comment below.

mikey-shgiach on the grade's, ur cut out for gadlus
chaim--thanx for doing all the leg work for the new computer
mindy-refuah sheleima bekarov
ma-ill speak to u in 3 seconds
ta-ta never checks the blog

thats all for this evning
p.s. ep had diariha and statred crawling
p.p.s roch lost 3 lbs. jk

Bassie J


  1. you also go to a tznius group??? we have not discussed make up yet, ill let you know what the chosheveh american olam thinks.

  2. Talk about Tzinius, I kinda made it to the Mishpachah magazine last week. I co authored a handbook on alcohol abuse and they wrote an article about it but didn't give credit. I guess if it said Dr. Rapps and not Debby Rapps, they would have naturally thought it was a man.

  3. How can I get into one of these tznius groups?
