Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sometimes Amalek Wins

Today I was in english class and the amount of pain was at a high. I have a test tomorrow in J Hist which I havent started studying for yet and no one sat infront of me to cover my sudoku book I normally do in class. Then my very own purim miracle happened, the teacher said she wasnt feeling well and class would end early today. Fireworks started to go off. Wow there is a God and he is a great one indeed. Then out of no where a hand goes up, a maccabeat hand. He asks a 10 minute question that the teacher responds with "I wasnt going to take the class in that direction but lets go there instead". But that wasnt the worst part. He was the Amalek that jumped into the burning pool and cooled it off for everyone else. Another 5 hands went up. It's the first time I understood why Haman was allowed to destroy the Jews, If there cant be achdus in fellow Jews to get out of a class early then the nation does not deserve to live. A full hour and fifteen minutes later we got out of class and feel like I want to kill someone. For next time proper protocol is to sit quiet. let the teacher monologue for fifteen minutes then we all leave. Any questions or comments you can speak to her after class. But today the jews did not have Ora or Simcha.

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