Sunday, March 27, 2011

I'm short

Im 5-7 (maybe 5-6 and a half). I had to get a book from the top shelf in the library (it wasnt so high). I tried the tippy toe thing which worked out great until the book fell on my head (mamish like a fall on my head). Thank G-d no one realized but I had to swallow my pride and use one of those stupid library step stools (which for some reason our grandmother has). But maybe in an adam newton moment i realized what I want to do next year. I should be a YU librarian. I could hang out with all my friends in the library, make money, and not have to attend classes. Does anyone know how to apply for the position?

PS - Im working in the heights lounge without a shirt on (its very hot) so if anyone wants to see a nice pair of wool tzitzis, front left corner.

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