Friday, March 18, 2011

A coloring book

I hate coloring books. I dont think there is any better way to describe society than a coloring book. An empty page, full of creativity and options. A page of boundless opportunity. A page that can be a dinosaur or a rainbow, mickey mouse or donald duck, a man working or one learning in kollel. But instead society forces themselves onto these pages. Making young minds draw the world only the way they perceive it (and G-d forbid they draw outside the lines). Why have limitless options when we can tell you what to draw and how to draw it. No, a person cant have more than five fingers and no, honey bees cant have anything but a smile on there face.

But then purim comes along. It teaches us that even though 364 we live our lives in the coloring book, one day a year we can see past these lines and see what that paper is really supposed to be. MAy we be zocheh for mashiach to come and let us all what that paper is really supposed be.

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