Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ta and Blackberry

The jacobowitzs are done eating dinner. I ate chicken that I bought last wednesday (its now tues. night in this country) and M.C. ate a tuna melt. I made it from the reject chunk light tuna that mommy sent to us since no one in "america" would eat it. I was even grossed out when I was making it, the best is m.c. took a bit of his sandwich as his eyes popped out and said "this is delicious." I heard Rabbi Frand also likes Tuna meltz. Its very yeshivish to say meltz. Erev Shabbos I went to get roch roch into her shabbos robe and made a big deal that it was special for shabbos. She is so frum that shes been wearing it every night this week and refuses to wear any other pajams besides for her shabbos robe. I was in Rechavia today. Mommy's frezer still remains empty. Behatzlacha. Bassie J
Mommy- you say abt every shuir that its one on the most inspirational shuirim you head, whats amen doing for Rochel Imenu's yeratzeit?
Ta- is now only speaking to his mishpacha via email
Mindy- tell yoses teacher that he eats brocoli every night for dinner which adds a greenish tint to his shnot
Chaim- I will never be as skinny as "c"
Mikey- I think ur the funniest youngest member of the mishpacha

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