Friday, October 23, 2009

I found it

This was ma's post that she bymistake put as a comment on batya's:

The emes is, I am not really commenting on Boo's post, I just couldn't figure out how to do a new post, so I just went to the most recent post. Anyway, I made chatzos, BH". Mikey needs to be driven to DRS as soon as he comes home so there was the incentive to be ready early.
Chaim is going to be a Ben Yachid this shabbos and is NOT looking forward to it. Does anyone have any suggestions why that may be so? I have a number of suggeations but...
Have a wonderful Shabbos. I love you all... and Mikey - have a wondrful, fantastic Shabbos and a great time in Canada!!!

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