Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blog Rating

I seriously don't know who writes the funniest blog. They are ALL so yummy! On the one hand, I think we should rate the comments. On the other hand, some of the members, perhaps may think, this has to do with their popularity and /or how much we love them, which of course, is not true.
Today is Rochel Emanu's Yarzheit. I went to hear Rebetzin Jaeger and Rebetzin Heller speak. When R' Jaeger spoke about Rochel Emanu and Hashem's promise to her, "Vashavu Banim Ligvulam" I couldn't help but think that our purchase in Rechavia, is in some small way, a fullfillment of Hashem's promise to Rachel Emanu. (and, yes, I had tears in my eyes). 22 hours til chatzos! Love you.

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