Monday, July 26, 2010

what a spread

mindt glaser had a shiur in her house tonite and asked me to come just in case no one lse would show up. not only was every seat taken but so was the couch and 2 ppl on the stairs. so she didint need me. rav forst spoke so it was a great shiur. but what i am really writting about is the fact that she had a spread that would make her mother proud. i was the last to leave as i hung out with mindy and rivky afterwards. we were cracking up by the amount of food she went thru. i think ppl came bc they knew mindy is an awesome cook. i packed a goodie plate for my husband, hot peach cobbler, blueberry pie and chocolate cupcakes for the kids. she also had. pb balls, eclairs, brownies, fruit, 3 types of salads, and other stuff. not normal. gitty should be proud. also nice blog ma. we are waiting for you at home.

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