Friday, January 15, 2010


i really haven't blogged for a while! nothing much is going on in my life except for that i just broke up with my girlfriend (Mindy would have already known that, if i was friends with her on Facebook, but she keeps on ignoring me). excited to go to israel, cant wait to see ruch ruch, but i figured out a good way to get her to speak to me, i came across this when i was talking to batya a few days ago...........
me: can i say hi to ruch?
B: ya hold on..... ruch come say hi to uncle mikey
Ruch: (in the backround) no! (then she made that weird whining sound which i cant imitate through words)
B: mikey, rochel leah doesn't want to talk to you
me: then tell her uncle mikey isn't bringing you ice coffee
Ruch: huh hah huh hah huh hah (large breathing sound in the phone)

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