I think there should be a HALB trip for all of us stuck in america while our families are partying it up in israel (Me, Steven Genachowski, Elliot Samuels, and im sure much more) . On friday night we will go to a hotel in the city. We will daven in Bnei Yeshurin at "the wall" (for those of you not fimiliar they have a full size picture of the kosel with a fake gate around it in the shul (if you want just ask Moshe Chaim)) and then walk to our hotel for a catered friday night dinner. We will have one of the recently back from Israel kids give the Dvar torah followed by Eli Hagler making announcments with corny jokes (we will also bring some parents to laugh hysterically at the jokes). Then we will go to sleep and out of nowhere will appear hundreds of boys and girls to Hock in the lobby all through the night. Shabbos day we will have a normal nice meal and then by shalosh shoodas Eli will get up saying "nisht shabbos geret, this is our plans for the entire week". We will make a communal havdalah then head back to the heights.
Can you please pass this on to Richie.
very funny.