Monday, November 30, 2009

We get a GROSSa Mazel Tov

Mikey finished the last of his BM thank you cards. What was the final motivation you may be wondering? Well, I'll tell you. If he wasn't finished by Sun. midnight, he owed us $5.00 a day. Also, if you're wondering what Mikey would like for chanuka .....


I made Bubby Sue a google account ( What's the chance we can teach her how to sign in and learn to comment? And now that i know you are reading this bubby please call me so we can set up a time when i can teach you how to use it.

PS - if you want to teach yourself how to use it, your password is who you love the most in the entire world.

bubby sue

i spoke with bubby last nite. she wrote a comment but then didnt realize you need a google account to post. so she knows what to do just needs a google account. i tried walking her through it, not sure if it worked. we shall see. in other news, rumbles says "hi". its very cute.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

We Hey'd

And that was it. I was talking to Johnie Fruchter (a great guy, single, and on a scale of one to coby milgrim i would give him a Daniel Elefant) and she was talking to her friend across at a different table and our eyes met each others (not in a romantic I Love You way but a normal way) and we said Hey. That was it. Great wedding. You know it is a good wedding when no one wants to put their arm around you at the end because your so sweaty.

Do you think "cough cough" reads the blog, she knows it exists.

I am more than happy to teach anyone how to read/post/comment and I think I can handle the job of teaching Bubby Sue. DO we have anyother readers then the immediate mishpacha and anonyrapps?

PS - Cough cough's mom loves watching the guy I am dancing with (because she wouldnt be looking at me, right?)

lunch recap

just so bassie doesnt feel left out. we had a very nice lunch sponsored by ta and ma by the coffee bar. my kids took turns being nuts. ta and i had salads, ma a baked potato, chaim a sandwich, mikes a pizza and soup and my kids shared an egg. chaim pretended to be in hatzalah to impress the table of 16 year old girls next to us. thats really it.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Lonely Traveler


Mikey- so Ta are we going to Israel in July?

Ta- yes. your going right after camp

Mikey- wht do you mean I'M going

Ma- well I'm already going to be there fixing up the apartment

Mikey- so how am i going to get to Israel?

Ta- your going to go by yourself

Mikey- are you kidding me!!!!!!!!!!.........

The end of the story is that they werren't kidding, and now im going to be sitting on a plane with some smelly Lebavitch guy who is going to be making brachas the whole ride (AMEN!)

What are they going to talk about by my Aufruf?

I was by Aryeh Schlusselbergs aufruf today and they told many fascinating stories. It was a mixture of stupid things he said and great middos. What are they going to talk about by my Aufruf?

Also, I was walking with Adam Schachar today when we bumped into Cousin Sandy (not related to Father Thomas and distantly related to Cousin Matty) and she was walking with one of her friends. When she sees me and Adam she is so excited and introduces us "this is my cousin-in- law Adam Schachar and this is my VERY CHOSHAV cousin chaim". On a scale of one to Moshe Chaim how choshav am I? i guess out of the entire mishpacha adam is the only not choshav one (Mikey is bistama choshav, being my brother is very choshav). Thats all for now.

PS NO ONE GO TO CRAWFORDS (its a new coffee and muffin shop that opened up) TONIGHT "cough cough" IS HAVING A SUPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY TONIGHT!! (i heard some of her friends saying how her neck looked naked and could have used a new nice simple bow necklace)

Friday, November 27, 2009

theres nothing to write about.....

Thursday, November 26, 2009

chaim, too lazy to travel to stern?

Meet Your Bashert Over ‘Video Conferencing’ - ShidduchVision, Approved By Gedolim

November 25, 2009

svd.jpgPHOTO LINK BELOW: This past Sunday, together with the Rosh HaYeshiva, HaRav Malkiel Kotler, Shlita, the venerable Mashgiach, HaRav Matisyahu Soloman, Shlita and HaRav Dovid Weinberger, Shlita, Rav, Cong Shaaray Tefila, Lawrence, NY, Shadchanim and Baalei Batim alike gathered in Lakewood, to celebrate the launch of its first ShidduchVision studio.

ShidduchVision, under the Haskamah of G’dolei HaDor and prominent Rabanim, consists of live interactive video conferencing which enables eligible single men and women who live in distant cities to “meet” one another. Such singles now have the opportunity to get to know each other in the comfort of a ShidduchVision studio, located in a private home in their own city. Sitting in front of commercial grade, high quality and highly secure professional video-conferencing equipment, in a personal and private studio setting, they can have a pleasant meeting, much as they would in person. Up to three such low-cost meetings can be arranged before the couple decides whether travel and meeting in person constitute the right next move.

With studios currently operating in Baltimore and Chicago and with another opening soon in Toronto, Lakewood joins in the effort to further ease the Shidduch situation by alleviating the financial and emotional strain of long-distance dating. In many cases, the expensive and timeconsuming travel discourages people from undertaking to meet a proposed match who lives in another city. Others who do make such efforts become frustrated when the trip proves unsuccessful – which only further increases the likelihood that future suggestions involving travel will be shunned. By providing a low-cost, hassle-free means of introducing singles who live apart, ShidduchVision helps to remove one of the major barriers to successful Shidduchim.

ShidduchVision Lakewood is now open and ready to serve Lakewood singles in facilitating their initial long-distance dates. Shadchanim will continue to suggest Shidduchim in their traditional way, and will be responsible for placing reservations in the studios for their singles. All ShidduchVision studios are also available for Shadchanim to meet singles from anywhere in the world, wherever other such studios are located.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


me and the boys are no longer contagious!!!! yay!!! we can go to thanksgiving!!

My Girls

Roch -conjunctivites
EP -stomach virus + started crawling today, very exciting.

Night, night. bas

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving side dishes

Corn Pudding (from Aunt Suri's website)

Roasted root veggies

Sweet potato pie with marshmellows (per Yosef''s request)

Pineapple bread pudding

Butternut squash and carrot muffins

Borrowed a neighbors computer to blog

It's Bassie J. Long time, no post. Whats going on e/o? Welcome extended mishpacha to the blog. Today I went to my tznuis group, the topic was makeup. The shiala was if make up is meants to extenuate and the concept tznuis is to not cause attention to oneself, why is make up mutar? I leave it to is this chashuva oylam to handel. e/o should place thre comment below.

mikey-shgiach on the grade's, ur cut out for gadlus
chaim--thanx for doing all the leg work for the new computer
mindy-refuah sheleima bekarov
ma-ill speak to u in 3 seconds
ta-ta never checks the blog

thats all for this evning
p.s. ep had diariha and statred crawling
p.p.s roch lost 3 lbs. jk

Bassie J

That fine gentelman over there has sent you ladies a piece of Sgulah Challah

The wedding was BH awesome. It was also greats because i got to see mommy, tati and ... We did not speak one word but for some reason the girl next to her was staring at me for a while (it must have been the shave, it mamish looked like a baby's bottom). I did speak to her friend and she said BH she is doing fine and i asked if i coule send over a piece of sgulah challah (she laughed and im sure the message got passed on). Now on the topics of weddings i have nothing to do in the middle, does anyone have any good ideas? thats it for now, im very tired need to shower and have a chemistry midterm tomorrow. Good night team

PS Mikey calm down there is nothing so personal on this blog and if there is its about me

PPS We need to get Bus a new computer just so she can get beck in the action

Monday, November 23, 2009

Can't think of a title...


1. Got highest in the grade on my science test (116)

2. Got highest in the grade on book report (80/85)

3. No offense to the rapps family but....... I think this website is way to public now, I will no longer publish until I know this site is secure for the most part so this is my goodbye....

Chollel - Chaim's Kollel

Winter Break 2010: Tentative plans for winter Break, Fly out thursday afternoon/night and crash in a cheap motel. Spend friday wondering around San Fransisco and spend shabbat with random families in the San Fransisco community (CJF will hook us up). Saturday night beg the families to let us stay an extra night and on sunday go to alkatraz. Sunday afternoon leave to yosemite park where we will stay in a log cabin with a Massive Hot tub. For day activities we will go skiing one day, snow shoeing one day, and hiking the last. Then leave back to NY on the red eye Thursday night. Oh and the best part ELIE is coming (oh chaim, why cant you be more like Elie). A more detailed schedule -

Does anyone else have any good ideas?

Sunday, November 22, 2009


i cant find my book... Astela definitely took it.......

New 5T G'mach

After Mikey left last night to Max's BM we couldn't decide what to do. Hashem answered our dilemna. Alan Shapiro called a minute later and invited us to a lecture on proper posture given by Aryeh. Chaim, Ta and I are thinking of a dating G'mach. If you need unique, different and exciting ideas of what to do on a Motzei Shabbos, just call us. We're filled with stimulating and interesting places to go.

Hey Mike, it could be worse

I was sitting around with a bunch of friends on shabbos when i was in formed that a guy a year older then me parents just had a baby boy (MAZEL TOV), and he isnt even the oldest. Lets get some perspective, the gap between the oldest and youngest is 24 years and between the second to youngest and youngest is 1o years. The father will be able to get a senior citizens discount on the bar mitzvah and the machatanim can easily be one of their sons friends. If mikey goes with mommy to crawfords for latte's on sundays (maysah shehaya) then what do you think this kid is going to get.

When i come back in 120 years forget about being mikey i wanna be this kid.

PS - Im seeing Cough Cough tomorrow ill let everyone knows how it goes
PPS - for all the new followers, whatever happens on the blog stays on the blog

does nobody love avromi???

why hasnt anyone volunteered to take rumbles to the dr????? on a side note. chavi was insaely cute by her ballet classes this morning. she looked at herself in her tutu for 20 min in the mirror.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

For The Tenth Time

Im sitting here with Chaim G and he is teaching me how to post for the tenth time. iyh i will be able to do it by myself next time.

Friday, November 20, 2009


have my bje test this sunday. its 4 hours long! ahhhhh! im gonna have a heart attack. anyways im sorry mindezz but theres nothing 2 make fun of you about so in a way thats a good thing :)

who is available on dec. 31?

for those who did not hear about my morning yesterday here it is in short:
avromi was up from 3:18-5:15. he was kind enough to wake up his sibling at 4:45. bh they stayed in bed tll 5:20 when there tzaddik father took them downstairs. i went back to sleep as i had been up with rumbles. since rumbles has had 3 ear infections since succos i had to take him to the ent. he fell asleep the exit before we were supposed to get off. i called the dr. to see if they were running on time, she informed me that they were, but i had 15 min of paper work to fill out so at 10:10 i woke rumbles so we would have 20 minutes to fill out paper work. it took a whole 4 minutes to fill out the papers. at 11:46 i asked the lovely receptionist if i was going to be seen any time soon. to sum it up the doctor came in at 11:57 and i was paid, made my next appt., got avromi in the stroller and was out the door by 12:13. so if anyone is around on the 31st to take him to his next appt it would be greatly appreciated.

SRULI! Baruch Haba!

welcome to the blog! Its erev sgabbos here, just wanted to wish e/o a shabbat shalom from the j's.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Things waiters won't tell our family:

PLEASE NOTE: Mindy, i couldn't think of something for you, so I'm sorry........

Batya- If you ask a waiter how many calories are in a particular dish, they won't tell you, even if they know. they will say "all that information is online.

Ta- If you make a big fuss about your soup not being hot enough they'll just take your spoon, and put it under really hot water, so it seems hot, but it's just as hot as wok tov's soup.

Ma- If your dessert says "homemade" it probably is, but from a bakery 3 miles away.

Chaim- If your on a date, and all of a sudden other servers come by to refill your water, or clear your plates, assume that they're listening.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Line of the Year

I really always liked her -mom
this is being posted by ta. am to busy trying to figure out my blackbery to create my own account so i"m just using moms.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I paid a shiva call to Robby (Phylis's son) today. I was one on one shmoozing/reminiscing with him. Suddenly, the two love birds in the cage started making a racket and Robby told me Phylis got the love birds after Oscar died. "Weren't they Mark's?" he asked. "No" I said, then thinking to myself, just one of the few pets we tried that didn't work. Pimples????

Monday, November 16, 2009

2 good yosef stories

1. yosef walks into the kitchen this morning with a toy microphone and says, "mommy, look uncle mikeys bar mitzvah". he then starts to sing, "gimmin tov u mazel tov"!!! it was very cute.
2. for this weeks project yosef came home with a well. [for those of you who were in shul and heard the parsha should understand the project]. anyways we are at the shobbos table eating soup and yosef asks adam for his well. now i, with my motherly instincts knows where this is going. adam clearly does not as he handed yosef his well. yos takes him well and begins ladeling his soup into his well.

smileys at costco :)

we went shopping at costco, and as we were getting our receipt checked i asked the man for a smiley face, he gave me a weird look like "arent u a little 2 old 4 a smiley face" kinda look, but i got my smiley! anyways had my interview 2day and............................. I GOT IN TO DRS!!! YAY!!!!!

Chupah Singers
My chavrusa has recently became the front man for the critically acclaim YU Acapella group The MAccabeats (its a play off the Yu sports team the maccabies and the word beat as in tempo to music). Does he have what it takes to oust Adam as the official Gross family Chupah guy? (this does not mean i am getting engaged tomorrow, Batya no need for a diet and mindy you dont need to go to kick boxing twice a week). Me and my friends are also working on a spoof (if you lok at all the singers hand motions they are gishmak (look for the fist pump of the front man five seconds in. Also in the back if you look carefully you can see Pruss (of flatbush choir fame). Thats all for now and BH shabbos went great with robbie. speak to yall later

esther front teeth are coming in togethrt

JK! it looks like there is going to be a space! bj

Sunday, November 15, 2009

check your mailboxes for the pics from the party of the year. i know i havent posted in a while but my computer is dying. iyh will blog tomorrow.
Posted by Picasa

Sruli made it to the big time

Good Housekeeping in Eretz Yisrael

Mikey informed me that he didn't work hard a whole semester in school, to be able to go to Israel early, just so I could do Good Housekeeping. No way!!


Saturday, November 14, 2009

update! Motzei shabbos parshas Chayei Sara

Esthers fever broke, chasdei hashem. Hope everyone enjoyed chaims hasc camper plus rabbi and son from israel, shalom. bj

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Late night at the J's

Sorry that its been a while. My computer isn't working well, (i mean m.s. and a.s.'s computer that is 8 years old is on its way to the garabge dump) Anyway, tonight i borrowed m neighbors mac to work for suri. Chaim, i couldnt have done it without you. you should be zocheh to find your zivug b'karov. esther has 39.3^c (39.4 is 103^f). r.l. is sleeping in mc's bed. mc is sleeping (no he is not a lamed'vavnik like srulir rapps) and rl is giving him a dental examination.. thats it for tonight. i hope i make shkiah tomoroww. love mommy. bj

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bubby sue, we love you

I was by the Feller's on shabbos and Dina Feller says to me "oh so i heard Chaim has a cough cough" I'm like ahhhhh............ she sad "oh i heard she is very nice do you like her?" I was shocked and I asked her how she knows and s said: (fill in the blank)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Carrie this is Bubby Sue, Bubby Sue this is carrie

You were able to cut the tension with a knife. I approached with my "friend" and bubby saw from a distance and the smile went from one ear to another. I introduced her and bubby continued to monologue for the next five minutes. Then turned to zaidy and asked"do yo have anything to say" then turned to carrie and said he never has anything to say and continued to talk. As we were walking away i already saw her dialing mindy. BH i have a mishpacha like ours. The wedding was great. KIT bye

Davis Renov Yeshiva High School For Boys

Very cool open house looking forward to 4 awesome years, a lot of new (and strange) people. I think for extra curricular im gonna take either debate team, sushi class, or cooking, the only reason im taking cooking is because you get to eat the food you make, but they said you should sign up for that early because that's their most popular class, and the best part is whatever we don't eat is leftovers in the Gross house! yay!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Baruch Shepitrani

Just reached major milestone! I just attended my last HALB Melava Malka.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Blogging from new PC

A Gutten Erev Shabbos to all:

I haven't checked the blog in a couple of days. Thanx for all your posts. Chaim G. came home last night. Thank you Chaim G. for setting up the new computer. I, too, was done by chatzos and it was a good thing I was; cracked a tooth and had to run to Krauss then Zaidy D. called that his car overheated and needed to go to Brachs, so I picked up his groceries for him. Got divrei bracha this morning from the Toldos Avraham Yitzchak at Amen. Gave him Chaim and Mikey's names.
Chaim, let's see how long it takes for the bracha to be mekuyam. Have a wonderful Shabbos.


i made it with plenty of time to spare. and would have been done earlier had i been able to get a jar open. nice visit today with charles. my children were happy to see chaim g. the kids made very cute projects. check your emails for pics from rumbles herbrew bday party.


i am going to try and make chatzos. who thinks i can do it?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Any Ideas

Does any one have any ideas for me and "cough cough" tomorrow? the pressure is starting to build as it gets colder and the options drop considerably. I say we just go to a bar and get wasted (any volunteers to be our designated driver). PLEASE HELP ME. comment any ideas. And i think im going to go with the tag cookbook for Chanukah to make sure she knows her role early on. just as a follow up Richard Joel said nothing, but he sounded so good saying it (on a scale of one to Obama how good of a speaker is he, i would give him a Rabbi Frand)

mommy wanted me to post this: uncle jay eating chineze food at zaidys house, i dont get it either but whatver makes mommy happy.......

Hi my name is Chaim can We be friends?

Today we have a town hall meeting with President Richard Joel shlita. My goal is try to meet him and take a picture and then hopefully be able to post it. I will be giving constant updates on where the Jewish future is heading (if he doesnt know then who does). stay tuned for updates.

PS whats orange soup?

Shabbos Menu..shoudl i add any extra settings?

Whats friending on facebook? Mindy and Mikey i think ur old enough and mature enough to figure this one out on your own.
Gefilta fish
(orange soup -fri. night)
chiken on the bone/Schnitzel
deli roll (deli from hakers)
potato kugel
cherry noodle slice
string beans/salad
koksh cake
A gutten shabbos, bj

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


midelz you know i read this blog also, so your gonna have 2 stick with talking behind my back, that one seems to work out better........

I'll tell you......... NOW MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!!!!!

the reason im not friending you is because im secretly going out with, sarah, shira, and devorah all at the same time, so adam, get chavi and yosef to learn a new song!

At least you didn't friend me

Maybe Mikey doesnt want you seeing him talk to "sneeze sneeze". If I had facebook i dont think i would let you be my friend either. And in other news this week is the annual chabad shlichim get together. Maybe a family trip? Please comment if your in

shut down

should i be insulted that mikey wont be my friend on facebook? hesays he wont be friends with family. is that shady? what do we think mikey is hiding?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

NCSY 09 continued

Erev shabbos we had a concert to get us ready for shabbos, it was lot of fun (im not an ambi-dancer I can only dance putting my right foot forward not my left). Davening was very nice then afterwards we (the advisors) got split up on to different tables to sit with the kids for the meal. As the kids came out they all went to the advisors they already knew. I stood up on my chair and started to scream "really cool advisor over here" and they came flocking like a really thirsty dog to a big bucket of water. The meal preceded uneventful followed by divrei torah (which featured swear words for some odd reason hopefully will be explained on a later post). Then we had a tisch for the next two hours which featured anna bikoach (click on the link) like you have never heard it before. We walked back afterwards in the pooring rain and lost one of the kids along the way and had to search for him for an extra ten minutes. Hung out for a few hours then passed out for another fun filled day.

"C" is not coming to thanks giving dinner
we dont need to discuss "C"s channukah present yet
We can blog about other things besides for "c"


Todah Raba, Batya

Thanx for posting Zaide's phone number. I love reading your posts. Is everone aware that Mikey is signed up for Lev Leytzan? This is a year long program to train to be a medical clown. He trains for a year, then he and his troupe will be performing for the next for years in hospitals, nursing homes etc. The group has alos performed in Eretz Yisrael and Eastern Europe. Ta and I are really proud of the committment Mikey has made. We wish him much hatslacha in his training and may he bring much simcha to those whose lives he will touch, IYH".
Aunt Suri would like to know who will be joining her this Thanksgiving. Gitty is fluctuating between the first night of Chanuka (Motzei Shabbos) and the next morning brunch. We need feedback.
Mikey has a BJE training course tomorrow and will be taking them IYH" Sunday. Hatslacha, Mike! Mike also has DRS open house on Sunday. Could this really be?
We wish Chavi hatslacha in Bassis Yaacov. (How many years til they honor Zaide?)
Refuah Sheleimah to EP.
Boo - regarding the chanukah gift -what about the TAG cookbook I just got you and Min? Coffee machine?
Judy dropped off Mikey's BM gift yesterday - A takeout menu box to hold all the menus. How cute?
Need to check on the chicken soup. Who needs?

Reminder, zeides b-day!!!

516 903 0285

not my genes, words of wisdom from R.m.c.j.

Esther literally did not stop crying the entire day., This time she actually has an excuse, one bottom tooth just cut through the gums and the other is almost there. Totalling four teeth all on the bottom. No, chaim, there are no spaces. M.C. came home after not being with E the entire day and after 3 min. and 45 secs. of holding her he hands me esther and says, this is not my genes. Deep insites by mcj.

what to get "C" for chanuka

Good morning to those in America. It now 3p.m. here and its pouring rain outside. My apartment is quite chiily, im thinking abt going to rechavia to warm up. E.P. is starting to slither around, R.L. is shepping nachas, Roch's giving me a look like "I taught her how to do this,ma, i take all the credit." Anyawys, the olam s/d leave a comment on what ma s/d get "c" for chanuka. (BTW, the jacobowitz are holding out for a camerna. Nehiyeh bekesher (I started ulpan this week) shalom

Monday, November 2, 2009

Playing with fire?

i just realized that if cough cough reads this blog were in big trouble, and ariel axelrod walks over 2 me and sez "team gross!'' im like how do u no about that...... anyways long story.......... and btw he now knows chiam has a girlfriend

baysis yaakov

sunshine had her bby interview today. she was delicious and participated very nicely. the highlight of the interview was when we had our meeting with rabbi hiller. rabbi hiller told us that they have very few spots open for her class but we shouldnt worry b/c they are saving a spot for us. that "b'zchus avos" we got in. he said the zchus avos is not ta but rather zaidy melvin. he told me that i should relay that to zaidy. i told him that zaidy would probably be happier if his zechus got chavi into halb. he laughed.

Long time no blog

Wow so many stories and so short to blog! Friday was pretty boring, we went to a mall in Columbos. Whats very intresting about stores in a mall is that they decided to set their atmosphere by the music they play. Well me and my friend decided to take advantage of this music and dance. (we got up off of our thing and danced till we felt better). In every store we danced according to their music. slow dancing in Banana Republic, Provocatively in Abercrombie, Surfed in the displays at hollister, and waltzed in Brooks Brothers. Iyh the videos should be following soon. Stay tuned for more updates on NCSY Fall regional 2009 (best regional ever).

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Steve Madden engadged?

on central 2day steve madden was at jildors and all the ladies were taking engadement poses with him. you know like were you are 10 feet apart from them and lean in right until your shoulders touch (chas v'shalom!)

Thank you

Thanx for the visit. The kids are great! Team Mikey - Kadoos! Chaim said he is having a great time. Boo - we thought we'd hear from you tonight! Gut Vocht. Mom