Friday, June 11, 2010

Birthday List

10. For me not to be the center of everyone's blog jokes.
9. A phone conversation with Rochel Leah that lasts more then 15 seconds.
8. A phone conversation with Chavi without here asking me if I'm Jewish, or allergic to apple kugel.
7. A phone conversation with Yosef that doesn't sound like the phone conversation i had with Chavi just the minute beforehand.
6. The Suzuki AX1012 video glasses (Not the ipod tx1400 3d glasses, thats there older model, Batya).
5. For someone to comment on my blogpost......finally
Can't think of anything else at the moment.........


  1. Never knew u didnt like apple kugel, I'll relay the msg to RL,enjoy today! send what ever gear u dont want with mommy! Bas

  2. the ones about my kids are really funny and sadly really true. nice shindig you had tonite mikester. looking fwd to wednesday.
