Monday, March 8, 2010

True Stories from the Pittsburgh Science Center (part 1 of many)

(there was a lobster flipped over and Sara was the person working for the Science Center (No not that sara from Pittsburgh for all of you who remember her))

Chaim G: Excuse me ma'am, there is a lobster stuck on its back
Sara: Don't worry, he does it all the time
Chaim G: You know it only takes one time for him to die.
Sara: Im sure nothing is going to happen to him, and either way I don't have the key to open the tank to flip him over.
Chaim G: One time my brother was locked in his room and I was able to pick the lock. If you want I'll give it a try (I preceded to take out my Yalmuka clip and show it to her)
Sara: Dont Worry about it, worse come to worse we will just by a new one if this one dies
Chaim G: You know, Im pro Life (I am not sure if you understand how funny a line this is. It is a reference to the abortion debate of either being pro abortion (pro choice) or anti (pro life).)
Sara: (A long look of confusion) I'll see what I can do (and walks away)
Chaim G: (still did not crack a smile while the five NCSYers with him proceeded to gush how funny and cool I am and how they now want to be shomer negiah)

More coming soon

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