Thursday, February 11, 2010

A ha'arah by Chaim G

Yeshivish people love when it snows. They wait all year to be black, white, and sneakers, preferably a white sneaker so it can stand out as much as possible. Now the question is how much snow does there still have to be for them to keep wearing sneakers. All the sidewalks and streets are plowed and if I wanted to I can walk around barefoot without my feet getting wet, but they're still out there proudly wearing their white sneakers. May we be zocheh to many more snow days. AMEN.

PS - there were a lot of "their (there, they're)"s in this post and I think I got them all correct. I have grown so much in college.

1 comment:

  1. know who hates the snow? tzioni ppl. bc then they have to take off thier naot and put on shoes. they can wear naot when its below freezing b/c they are tough and can have numb toes. but with snow you actually need to put on real shoes.
