Monday, February 8, 2010

516 712 8939

I fell asleep while listening to a shiur on my laptop (so frum and sooooooooo Modern Orthodox) and was woken up by a phone call. I did not have the number so instead let it go to voicemail. Needless to say they did not leave a voicemail and I had to call back (who knows maybe it was a 30 year old very shiach girl). No one picked up and I wasnt going to leave a message if she didn't. 20 minutes later I get a call and the following ensued:

Chaim: Hello
Anonymous phone caller: Hi who is this?
Chaim: Its chaim G (yes that is how i introduced myself)
Anonymous phone caller: Im sorry sir you dialed the wrong number.

And she hung up. I WAS SUPPOSED TO SAY THAT TO HER. You cant blame your mess up on me. You dialed the wrong number. So if anyone is bored please call her and let her know my feelings.
PS - As I was finished posting this the maccabeats finished having practice. You know that annoying kid in high school that walks around singing, its 20 of them (the only thing more annoying is a yeshiva filled with them) . Good night team

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