Thursday, February 13, 2014

To Be Truly Loved

Just sitting down to write this I have tears streaming down my face. The past 24 hours have been some of the hardest/most moving hours of my life.

#1 - Yes it Sucks

#2 - Every time I get another text message I just start crying again by how much love/support we have.

My Father-in-law drives in my mother in law from boston so she can be with us then drives back to boston. My other father in law calls me just to check in. Both step sisters text me together to say they are here for me. Adam drives to the hospital just to give me a hug. My parents are emailing me at 3am to see how we are doing. Mindy emails me just to let me know she is there. I think the entire five towns is making shabbos for us (Mommy will be collecting all the food and serving it every shabbos straight through rosh hashanah). Suri jumps in her car to try to bring us breakfast. Rabbi Cohn shows up at the hospital at 1:30am to talk to us till 2:15. And the text messages and offers can take up pages and pages.

Rabbi Feiner likes to quote winston churchil "When going through Hell just keep going". We are still going through hell (Elisheva is sleeping now High on a ton of drugs) but to say how much easier it is to go through hell when you have hundreds of people holding your hands, words can not even explain.

Thank you everyone for everything you have done and may we zocheh to celebrate only simchas.

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