Monday, December 24, 2012

Even Milachim Make Mistakes

People I forgot to invite is at three, so far. To show my appreciation (and how sorry I am) I will write a quick bio of each one.

1. Jared Rosenfeld - My night seder Chavrusa for three years. I think he is the reason I am still religous and I am the reason he is not the Gadol Hador. Within a week of us breaking up (I broke up with him) he started wearing a davening jacket and birds burned up as they flew over his head. He is married to a girl from Jamaica Estates (forgot her name) and was compared to shrek when I spoke at his aufruf.

2. Elie Bashevkin - The few, the proud, the people who were actually friendly with me in high school. I think I might have spent more time with Elie one week of senior year than I have with Elisheva (first shoutout on the blog) during all our time dating. He is currently studying in Landers and a great catch.

3. Judah Plaut - My co-counselor in machaneh HASC and two years younger than me. Funny story: He was on and off dating with one of the counselors of the youngest boys bunk (youngest boys have girl counselors) We were only allowed to hang out with their campers if they were on and if they were off we had to ignore them completely.

Im sure there are more but that is all I can remember (and people who called me laughing that I forgot to invite them). Hardest part of being Domeh Li'melech is not being able collect horses anymore, really gonna miss that hobbie.

Until next time

CG out

PS - Welcom Back Everyone

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