Monday, October 18, 2010

What Im wearing for my BIG Meeting

Fancy Grey Pants - Mommy bought them for me from emporio
Fancy Brooks Brother Shirt - Originally Adam Schachar
FAncy Shoes - Not as fancy as Mikeys
Fancy Sweater - Bought while mommy was paying
A Puma Sock - they cant see them

What do all these things have in common?


  1. 1. you did not pay for any of them
    2. you have no sense of fashion
    3. mommy wouldnt let you out of the house if you were leaving to the meeting dressed in that
    4. which shirt?

  2. 1. Mommy did pay for everything besides for Adams shirt - you win
    2. I wore my polish boy hat that all you guys love
    3. probably true
    4. they all look the same
