Monday, October 25, 2010

flu shots

i finally got out of the house with just yz today. took him for his first stroll down central ave. i think he had a nice time seeing as he slept the whole time. taking my kids for flu shots this afternoon. should be fun. hatzlacha to charles.

Date Tonight

Im thinking making 16 hot dogs and having a hot dog eating contest. I know what ya'll (sorry I had an out of towner shabbaton) are thinking, something so competitive on a first date. People go bowling and mini golf so why cant we have some competitive eating? I'll let you all know how it goes.

PS - Shabbaton was great and I got a picture of the back of the eight mile sign. For all of you who dont know what that is, its very cool.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

to see the video below:
Notice #: 1691002529027
Pin #: 8151


Mommy going through a red light, its the black crv

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

NEw Series - what goes on with Chaim G during Morning Seder

So today I was learning and there was a crash behind us. As a result we had a quick hesech hadaas (break in concentration) and my chavrusa started to sing siman tov and a mazel tov (thats the way they sang it at cousin matty's wedding) I just said "excuse me".

Stayed tune for what happens tomorrow

Monday, October 18, 2010

Baruch Hashem

My meeting went great. My nose is stopping to run. My feet are feeling better and Im starting to run a little. They might actually start paying me at the OU and I might have a job in July. I am being recruited for the YU connects shabbaton. I think Im getting funnier. This is the best day EVER.

Quick maysah from my OU adventure today. In the train station you have to take an elevator to get from street level to the trains. On the side of the elevator a man decided to write out his frustration at the trains. It went something like this "beep beep trane beep" (for those of us living in Eretz Yisroel train is spelled "train"). I also hate those darn tranes.

CG out

What Im wearing for my BIG Meeting

Fancy Grey Pants - Mommy bought them for me from emporio
Fancy Brooks Brother Shirt - Originally Adam Schachar
FAncy Shoes - Not as fancy as Mikeys
Fancy Sweater - Bought while mommy was paying
A Puma Sock - they cant see them

What do all these things have in common?

Sunday, October 17, 2010


i guess the blog is up and going again. i feel out of the loop. oh and to comment on the name post. shoshana is calling him velvet or moshe. why moshe? b/c she thought it was a nice name and suggested over succas that we should name him moshe. but since we didnt listen to her and she still likes the name she may call him that.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

THe readership of this blog

I was going to post today about the medication im on for my foot and one of its side effects (it has to do with your poop color, i thought it was hysterical). But as I was posting I was informed that their is readership of this blog in stern (hello all my female admirerers). I guess I will be pretty sensored for now on.

PS - does this make me popular?

Name of new baby

Yitzchak Zev
Itcha Volvil
Cutie Pie

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I am a father, and his name is SCOTT

This email was sent to a younger member of my shiur:

Dear Scott,

Allow me to welcome you to what will certainly be a productive zman in MYP. I hope that you have spent the first few weeks of the semester acclimating yourself to your daily routine. Still, you may encounter challenges that you would confront more confidently if you had a relationship with someone having more experience dealing with YU. As coordinator of the Hadracha Program of MYP, I am pleased to offer you the services of Chaim Gross who will be happy to serve as your mevugar. Please feel free to speak with him regarding any issue- whether personal, academic, or certainly Torah related. Of course, you are not required to meet him, yet if you are able to develop a relationship with him you would gain immeasurably. Your mevugar, Chaim, is experienced at the ins and outs of YU, yet is still in school here; is familiar with many of the courses; has connections to many resources which may prove valuable to you; is a solid ben Torah. You may already have met Chaim, but if not, seek him out.

Many students find it difficult to jump into the dual program here at YU, especially those who have just returned from learning intensively in a yeshiva in Israel. Some find the college classes overwhelming; others have trouble juggling their sedarim; yet others find they are frustrated by being unable to maintain excellence in either pursuit. Whatever the specific issue, sometimes you may want to shmooze. While the guidance department here at YU is valuable, and the team of mashgichim is terrific, a significant number of students find that they would prefer to speak to a “yeshiva guy” who is part of the chevra, but not part of the official structure, and might better relate to their concerns.

This is where the Hadracha Program steps in. Although you probably already know Chaim, you may not have thought of him in the role I am describing. Furthermore, I have personally asked him to be solicitous of your good welfare. On the other hand, you may not know your mevugar. If so, I encourage you to take your earliest opportunity to seek him out- he will enjoy making your acquaintance, too.

Of the many services YU provides to make your YU experience as rewarding as possible, the Hadracha Program of MYP can be the most directly valuable one for those who avail themselves of its opportunities. In addition, I am personally at your service every morning in the Fischel Beis Medrash, as well. I look forward to meeting you shortly. Wishing you the best of luck and success for the semester,

Rabbi David Pahmer

Shoel Umaishiv

Coordinator of Hadracha Program

Should I tell him how awkward I am?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Beowolf and the end of my neshama

Im taking a mid evil literature class. The class consists of people that are too smart for themselves (professor I disagree with your definition of what an epic novel is because that doesnt include njkfsanjkfasnk which many professors consider an epic due to its structure) and dirty french stories. The only difference between my text book and those trashy romance novels is the front cover. Why cant their be a lit class for non majors. I did great in Chemistry of Everyday Life (I even considered being an Everyday Chemist for a time). Ill let you know how my quiz goes tomorrow but hopefully better then the in class discussions

PS - we have to sit in circles in class, I hate sitting in circles in class