Wednesday, August 25, 2010


for those of you who have not heard my kids have been off for the past week and it has been raining since sunday. not a good combination. there is absolutely nothing to do in the rain. today out of desperation uncle mikey and i took chavi and yos to the aquarium. since we have a membership [courtesy of ma and ta] parking and admission were free. so even if the trip was a bust atleast we didnt pay anything for it. bh it stopped raining when got off the belt and started to pour when we walked out of the last exhibit so we just had to walk to the car in the rain. technically we did miss the whale show but my kids dont know that so no love lost there. yos loved the sharks and the turtles and chavi oddly enough liked the walruses which yos was afraid of. the biggest haarah of the day came from yos who said "penguins are just birds". im not sure what he thought they were before hand but whatever. we ended the day with pizza and a trip to pomegranate. my kids got massive cookies and we bought ta some hummus and matbucha, bc he loves it. sorry there are no pics but i will put them on snapfish eventually. big yasher koach to uncle mikey for all his help. bigger yasher koach to uncle mikey for hanging out here tonite so adam and i get c and g for dinner.

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