Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dor Chaim

Even though the blog is on hiatus till after pesach (yes haitus, no its not dead) somethings are so good they have to be shared with the whole entire olam. Just how their is Dor Yisharim for medical diseases so too there should be a test for Psychological problems. I am suggesting a branch of Dor Yisharim called Dor Chaim where the couple sits down with me and I will be able to determine if their kids would be weirdos or not. I think in the long run this would help the crisis (which would also in the long run make me lose most of my material but im sure I will find something to fill the gap). So if anyone knows anyone seriously dating please send them my way. Thanks a lot.

PS - over 200 hits on the website

Friday, March 12, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Hobbie

I am ridding the 5 borough bike tour (Ta can I borrow your bike) for camp HASC. To raise money I made a website (during management class). So please visit and if you want you can donate

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

rumbles is ready to rumble

Can Run Chaim Run Bike?

Due to my new found skill of Creating Websites ( I can buy the web address for $.89. I will sign up for the HASC five borough bike ride and raise the required $350. Good Idea or Not?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

I am not 100% accurate if this story is true being that I was in the bathroom stall while it happened but using my great "Gemara Cup" I think I was able to put the story together. SOmeone went into the stall next to me looked and then left. Next thing I knew he goes gets a bunch of paper towels and then sits down in the stall. I dont think I need to explain the rest of the story.

True Stories from the Pittsburgh Science Center (part 1 of many)

(there was a lobster flipped over and Sara was the person working for the Science Center (No not that sara from Pittsburgh for all of you who remember her))

Chaim G: Excuse me ma'am, there is a lobster stuck on its back
Sara: Don't worry, he does it all the time
Chaim G: You know it only takes one time for him to die.
Sara: Im sure nothing is going to happen to him, and either way I don't have the key to open the tank to flip him over.
Chaim G: One time my brother was locked in his room and I was able to pick the lock. If you want I'll give it a try (I preceded to take out my Yalmuka clip and show it to her)
Sara: Dont Worry about it, worse come to worse we will just by a new one if this one dies
Chaim G: You know, Im pro Life (I am not sure if you understand how funny a line this is. It is a reference to the abortion debate of either being pro abortion (pro choice) or anti (pro life).)
Sara: (A long look of confusion) I'll see what I can do (and walks away)
Chaim G: (still did not crack a smile while the five NCSYers with him proceeded to gush how funny and cool I am and how they now want to be shomer negiah)

More coming soon

Thursday, March 4, 2010

looking foward to meeting that special someone

In keeping with the Jacobowitz tradition, Mc the kids and I are looking foward to meeting the "next girl in line" when we come in, We hope shes atleast 3 years older then u. Chaim, we just wanted to give you a little advance notice.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

my teeth hurt

i got on my invisalign today. while they kill they happen to be very cool. i tried taking a pic of them on my cell to send to chaim and mikey you cant really even tell that they are there so i didnt send it.

Too funny

I get a text today saying "you find me a chavrusa yet". I respond "who is this". He responds "O i just wanted to make a follow up - sunday you were out of your mind and told me you wanted to get me a chavrusa and said you could get me into Shaalvim". I guess I had a real impact on the Jewish Youth this purim.

I still don't know who it is. If anyone knows who 516-993-6708 please let me know. Thanks.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mazel Tov

Mazel Tov Charles. Welcome to the ranks of Grosses that work gratis. We wish you much hatzlacha in your new position and we are confident that you'll bring much creativity and flair to your new position. Remember - It's about the OU not U!



ok here is a video of the kids by purim seudah and a picture of all of them in there costumes.

Monday, March 1, 2010

I am alive and well

BH I had an amazing Purim. Highlights include throwing snowballs at people making drunk phone calls, Hanging out with Rabbi Cohen's Grandparents for two hours, and Great Kumzitz by Rabbi Storch. I wish I can elaborate but you know what they say. Whatever happens in Purim stays in Purim.

MC can hold his liquor

MC really suprised the olam this Purim! He drank but w/in limits. Im very proud of him!


has anyone seen chaim gross???? do we think he is asleep on rabbi storch's floor? on other news. purim was nice. my kids were cute, they had a blast at purm seudah. they are still talking about the tricks uncle mikey did for them on bubbys front steps. my husband made it without throwing up. can anyone else say the same?