Saturday, October 31, 2009
gut voch
mikey complained that no one blogs. so this one is for him. the schachar family had a lovely shobbos. we had 6 bachurim for dinner last nite which was a very nice and leibedig meal. the schachar children were extremely nice and for the first time this week slept past 5:30!! yay!!! now tomorrow we need them to sleep past 7 [which is technically 8]. unlikely but we can hope. we walked to ma and ta this afternoon which was very nice. the kids played nicely with uncle mikey. yos was a bit loony as he has a cold or is possibly teething and didnt nap. adam and i are currently debating what to eat for melave malka. any suggestions? ok thats it from woodmere.
Team Mikey Atteeeeention!
Chavi, Yosef, and I went outside to play with leaves, and we had a blast! when we came back inside Yosef, in a triumphant voice screams: "TEAM MIKEY"!!!!!!
Friday, October 30, 2009
I have nothing funny to post
I have nothing funny to post so I wasnt sure if I should post. Just wanted to wish e/o a good shabbos. Rochels shnot is starting to turn depper shades of green. I hope she doent become sick over shabbos. Yesterday was the first day she wore long sleeves to gan. Its starting to get cool. Esther P is on the floor next to me eating roch's crock. gtg
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Blog Rating
I seriously don't know who writes the funniest blog. They are ALL so yummy! On the one hand, I think we should rate the comments. On the other hand, some of the members, perhaps may think, this has to do with their popularity and /or how much we love them, which of course, is not true.
Today is Rochel Emanu's Yarzheit. I went to hear Rebetzin Jaeger and Rebetzin Heller speak. When R' Jaeger spoke about Rochel Emanu and Hashem's promise to her, "Vashavu Banim Ligvulam" I couldn't help but think that our purchase in Rechavia, is in some small way, a fullfillment of Hashem's promise to Rachel Emanu. (and, yes, I had tears in my eyes). 22 hours til chatzos! Love you.
Today is Rochel Emanu's Yarzheit. I went to hear Rebetzin Jaeger and Rebetzin Heller speak. When R' Jaeger spoke about Rochel Emanu and Hashem's promise to her, "Vashavu Banim Ligvulam" I couldn't help but think that our purchase in Rechavia, is in some small way, a fullfillment of Hashem's promise to Rachel Emanu. (and, yes, I had tears in my eyes). 22 hours til chatzos! Love you.
Team Chaim Attention, Our team is Number ___
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
class trip
i went on a class trip with my students today. i had a great time. i am totally wiped but it was worth it. i just wanted everyone to know that i felt incredibly old for many reasons.
1. sitting on a school bus made me nausea
2. the radio was on i didnt know a single song [my husband would argue thats a frum thing]
3. one of my students asked me if i knew danielle whitman. she thought i was her age. i know that means she thought i was younger then i am. but still, it made me feel old
4. we were watching a presentation at the museum and it was going thru a time line. they finally reach the year 1999. and my students got all excited b/c they were finally talking about a time when they were actually alive.
1. sitting on a school bus made me nausea
2. the radio was on i didnt know a single song [my husband would argue thats a frum thing]
3. one of my students asked me if i knew danielle whitman. she thought i was her age. i know that means she thought i was younger then i am. but still, it made me feel old
4. we were watching a presentation at the museum and it was going thru a time line. they finally reach the year 1999. and my students got all excited b/c they were finally talking about a time when they were actually alive.
such big trouble
chaim g decided it would be a good idea this past summer to stock my house with food for himself, less i run out of food and he has nothing to eat. amongst the things he bought and never ate was a case of 100 ices. i am upstairs this morning feeding rumbles breakfast when yos comes in asking for a paper towel. i ask him why and he says, "for the ices, chavi and i are drenched". [yes, he know the word drenched, it is a word i use to describe him often]. i go downstairs to check out the scene. c and y are sitting there making "projects" with the ices and some of the ices are leaking everywhere. solid!! who thinks chaim should come home and sit with carpet cleaner and spot clean my carpet????
homework helpline
I feel like a lot of times that a lecture like that can maye scare someone away from marriage. Not every marriagre is a disaster. People do live happily ever after. Why scare people away?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Blog Dying?
No one rites anything anymore! and BTW we didnt have c +g 2nite, we had mindys AMAZING hickory chicken, and im waiting fot that orzo rice recipe!
Ta and Blackberry
The jacobowitzs are done eating dinner. I ate chicken that I bought last wednesday (its now tues. night in this country) and M.C. ate a tuna melt. I made it from the reject chunk light tuna that mommy sent to us since no one in "america" would eat it. I was even grossed out when I was making it, the best is m.c. took a bit of his sandwich as his eyes popped out and said "this is delicious." I heard Rabbi Frand also likes Tuna meltz. Its very yeshivish to say meltz. Erev Shabbos I went to get roch roch into her shabbos robe and made a big deal that it was special for shabbos. She is so frum that shes been wearing it every night this week and refuses to wear any other pajams besides for her shabbos robe. I was in Rechavia today. Mommy's frezer still remains empty. Behatzlacha. Bassie J
Mommy- you say abt every shuir that its one on the most inspirational shuirim you head, whats amen doing for Rochel Imenu's yeratzeit?
Ta- is now only speaking to his mishpacha via email
Mindy- tell yoses teacher that he eats brocoli every night for dinner which adds a greenish tint to his shnot
Chaim- I will never be as skinny as "c"
Mikey- I think ur the funniest youngest member of the mishpacha
Mommy- you say abt every shuir that its one on the most inspirational shuirim you head, whats amen doing for Rochel Imenu's yeratzeit?
Ta- is now only speaking to his mishpacha via email
Mindy- tell yoses teacher that he eats brocoli every night for dinner which adds a greenish tint to his shnot
Chaim- I will never be as skinny as "c"
Mikey- I think ur the funniest youngest member of the mishpacha
My teacher said that we were able to email him our first paragraph and he would proof read it for us then email us back with suggestions. I first sent it to Cough Cough to proof read then i copied and pasted it into an email for my teacher. I got it back today and seems I forgot to take the "Looks great - youre a better writer than you say you are. Have a Great Day!" at the end of the paragraph. I guess he knows i got someone to proof read it.
Monday, October 26, 2009
blog control
this blog is being writen by the cfo of the blog all by himself.btw i forwarded 2 emails without Sandys help.Leftovers for supper b'h Mickeys home so tomorow should be C&G.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I win
First some house keeping: Can everyone please have their own name to post under so it is easier to keep track of.
I just got back from my friends wedding. I got a little leibidig (not as leibidig as cousin matty's wedding) and I came back to find this outrage of Adam (bats) questioning someone else's humor. I think the whole who's funny thing in our family is thrown completely out of whack. I was speaking to Cough Cough and she said the two funniest people in our family were Tati and Adam (I just think that is because those are the two people who like her). We should stop judging each other and let everyones posts speak for themselves. If we were judging i think me and Bas are in first. The rest is a toss up.
Is Mindy funny?
Everyone please look at Mindy's comment on Batya's post about Burry. Mindy was cracking herself up the entire time she wrote the comment. Am i the only one that doesn't find it funny? bats
shnotty noses
yosef's teacher is a little scary when it come to runny noses. if yosef's nose is running and it is the slightest shade of green he gets a note sent home saying that kids with runny noses should not come to school. seriously???? his nose will probably be shnotty from now until april [note i did not say pesach as pesach is in the winter this year]. so now i have to figure out tomorrow just how green is yosef's runny nose. im scared of his teacher. on that note chavi thinks she can blow her nose. she is going thru tissues like water [her nose is runny also]. yosef on the other hand thinks his hand is the best tissue and is the dirty shnotty child you see on the street and wonder why he has such a horrible mother who would let him walk around like that.
Arizona and the Global Warming Myth
I dont know if you were all informed but i was planning on going to arizona for a week with my friends for winter break. We were going to go white water rafting, hiking, and just enjoy the great out doors. Little did we know how cold it was going to be outdoors (average of 44 degrees in january). Atleast we dont need to worry about girls needing the gmach. Does anyone else have any suggestions for winter break 2010?
Never eat bran cereal when reading a blog
First, I was eating my bran flakes while I was reading M&C's posts. Please, next time warn me if you are going 2 b funny. Almost choked. Still working on that recipe, and, no, Batya, you can't have my winnings!! Mikey texted me a rainbow from over the falls. Do I need to make a bracha? I just came from R' Kelerman. It was by far one of the best and inspirational lectures I heard in a long time. Fantastic!!! Need to run and make me and Judy sandwiches to take on our road trip. Does anyone need a wall-hanging that looks like a window?
BTW - can someone help Ta out with posting?
BTW - can someone help Ta out with posting?
Chaim G out
Saturday, October 24, 2009
rabbi frand?
we recieved a brochure for a Chinese auction. Rabbi Frand will be the guest speaker at the auction. This afternoon adam was skimming the brochure and chavi goes look, [pointing to a picture of Rabbi Frand] that looks like uncle momo. hehehe. we wanted to post a picture but we couldnt find one.
We Survived Shabbos
Hey, we survived Shabbos with Chaim G. We were careful not to bring up the 'C' word too often. Only the potato kugel came out of the freezer. We missed the Shmikester. Sounds like he had a nice Shabbos in the Bush. Signing off. Gut Vocht. Mom
No, I dont like him, Im married w/ kids
Batya Feller came with a friend this shabbos and i asked her what her name is and she said Jenny Moskowitz and then i asked her were shes from and she said woodmere. She then said I think you know my family and i guess i gave her a look like"no i dont" and then she blurrted out the B word. No chaim, i dont like him. Im married with kids. bz"h bekarov beshah tovah u'mutzlachas.
Uncle Mikey
I was playing w/ Big R or really big R since its now motzei shabbos. We were playing w/ 5 little mentchen and I told her that there was a totty, moomy, rochel and esther and i asked her who she wanted the fifth to be. and she said Uncle Mikey.
Friday, October 23, 2009
I found it
This was ma's post that she bymistake put as a comment on batya's:
The emes is, I am not really commenting on Boo's post, I just couldn't figure out how to do a new post, so I just went to the most recent post. Anyway, I made chatzos, BH". Mikey needs to be driven to DRS as soon as he comes home so there was the incentive to be ready early.
Chaim is going to be a Ben Yachid this shabbos and is NOT looking forward to it. Does anyone have any suggestions why that may be so? I have a number of suggeations but...
Have a wonderful Shabbos. I love you all... and Mikey - have a wondrful, fantastic Shabbos and a great time in Canada!!!
Chaim is going to be a Ben Yachid this shabbos and is NOT looking forward to it. Does anyone have any suggestions why that may be so? I have a number of suggeations but...
Have a wonderful Shabbos. I love you all... and Mikey - have a wondrful, fantastic Shabbos and a great time in Canada!!!
Lost my original message
I wrote such a cute blog and now I can't find it. If someone out there who is savvy can find it, that would be great. Anyway, have a wonderful Shabbos. Love you all.
It's only from me (Ma) the message. Ta is going to have to figure this one out on his own!!!!
It's only from me (Ma) the message. Ta is going to have to figure this one out on his own!!!!
MarJac and P
I thik it would only be fair to include the "gatza gross Mishpacha"
The fetas, tantas, bubys, zeigies, evreyones shver and shviger, eiden and einiklach.
The fetas, tantas, bubys, zeigies, evreyones shver and shviger, eiden and einiklach.
Bassie J
Chaim- If you needed a towel to clean yourself up Moshe Chaim is still using his bath towel,
maybe he can lend it to you?
Its almost chatzos, doesn't look like Im going to be ready. Sorry Ma.
A Gutten, heliga shabbos to the gantza mishpacha
Chaim, this blog was such a chessed considering that no one in our family ever communicates with each other, jk.
Enjoy the lasagne.
maybe he can lend it to you?
Its almost chatzos, doesn't look like Im going to be ready. Sorry Ma.
A Gutten, heliga shabbos to the gantza mishpacha
Chaim, this blog was such a chessed considering that no one in our family ever communicates with each other, jk.
Enjoy the lasagne.
What A Dish

Mommy decided to make dinner tonight (wok tov called up furious and mommy had to explain it was just a once a month thing). She made a spinach lasagna in the new pan I (insert joke here) bought her. Mommy's one complaint about it is that it does not make enough to put in the freezer for Chanukah party. May we be zocheh to cook many more lasagnas in such a dish.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I forgot to warn him
I was talking with my chavrusa this morning and he was telling me how he is takng this really nice teacher but he rocked the entire class on the midterm. Pretending i cared i asked him who he was taking. He said Ronnie Parelis for sphardic jewish history. I continued to laugh uncontrollably and had to go back to my dorm to change my pants. Baruch Hashem Shelo Assani Jewish History Major.
PS - He is really whipping them into shape.
pretty girl
i am downstairs feeding yosef dinner and chavi was upstairs getting into pajamas. all of a sudden i hear her call"mommy, a pretty girl is coming down the stairs". then lo and behold princess chavi gracefully made her entrance into the breakfast room.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Quick Shaylah for the Mishpacha
Do we have anything Febuary 20th or May 31st (memorial day weekend)? well i just spoke to the ncsy guy and those are the dates of the two shabbatons. Thanks a lot.
PS - shkoyach on everyone participating and this should be my last serious post
Hi everybody!!!!!
Hi guys!!!!!!! its the rents (and mikey), 46 hours till chasotz, and tonights stew was awesome, and if anybody needs potato kugel for shabbos let me know!
Heyy guys whats up? i just took my pictures for the yearbook today!! going to the city tomorrow for a trip, and then going to canada until monday!!!! anyways batya i really miss the kids and i cant wait to see them!!!!!!! love you all, Mikey
Batya J
Rochel had her first accident today! May we continue to see many more in the future. I took both kids out of the bath at the same time and while I was diapering Esther Roch pished on the floor. I quickly cleaned it up with Moshe Chaim's bath towel. Moshe Chaim took a shower tonight and I for got to tell him that................... to be continued.
Shalom Family,
I was online and i found out my friends family had a blog (ayin to help them all keep in touch. Being that we are all going our separate ways (this is not trying to say that i am getting engaged tomorrow, just that I'm in YU) i decided to create a blog for us to keep in. It is very simple, and you can post pictures, videos, or just plain updates on your life (or DT's for those of us in kollel). I think we should all give it a try and we will evaluate how it is going after a month and re-asses (Im sorry mindy and mikey if it is not as much fun as facebook but ill try). So please keep in touch and may Hashem give us much hatzlachah in our new endeavor. (AMEN) (please make all posts before chatzos so we can go into shabbos with the right mind set)
Chaim G
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