Sunday, April 10, 2011

My New Idea

I want to work at They havent contacted me yet. Make everyone on facebook rally around my cause so they have to recognize it. So if you have Facebook please like this page and help me get that Job I dream of.


Chaim G

A new home

I found a new place I want to live next year. Its called the Bayit and it is a part of the columbia/barnard hillel. It is a brownstone with 28 people in it and it operates like a kibutz (yes there are girls in kibutzis also). Everyone has toranut once a week and you are required once a month to cook dinner for the entire Bayit. You pay money to the Kupah once a month for food, maintenance, internet... and everything else is taken care of. OH Yeah, the best part, I heard they throw sick parties. I heard all about it on Friday night by my meal at my friend Matt and Elyssa's and Elyssa had a friend over from Barnard (I dont think so shiach (she lives in the bayit (Elyssa never lived in the bayit))). SO that is where I want to live next year.

Or maybe Ill just make one for YU and Stern.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Umbrella Running - A new sport

Whenever it is raining you see how many different peoples umbrellas you can walk under. You get ten points for every umbrella you go under. 20 points if the person is a "local" and 30 points if it is a couple. You get no points for the first three steps and 5 points for every extra step after that. The winner is the one with the most points by the time it stops raining. Let the battle begin.

Yaniv Lautmans ha'arah - "It is like when you go ice skating and you go in between the couples hands"

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bathroom Bump In

I went to the NY philharmonic today (If anyone wants a good nap go to the NY Philharmonic). I came late listened to the first piece and then was intermission (I love a good Intermission). I got up. Stretched my first. Went to pee (the line was huge, old people have to use the bathroom a lot) and saw Rabbi Friedman from DRS. Oh a pleasant surprise.