Thursday, May 27, 2010

First day of work... for real

Today was my first day on the job. I have my own desk, phone, and getting my own email address. No fun stories yet but I will keep you guys informed.

PS - I did go to a KBY wedding tonight which happened to be extremely awkward (on a scale of 1 to me with strangers I would give it the first time mommy met RT)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


On behalf of the entore Gross Mishpacha, we would like to with a very happy birthday to Emma Kaplan, ad meah vesrim shana :)

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Mikey was dropped off at 6:00am for his 8th grade trip to Washington, D.C. It's now 6:47am, should I:

Go back to bed?
Read a book?
Finish the left over cheese cake from Shavuoth that's on its last leg?
Clean the garage?

Amens at 8:15am -

Earning vs. working

My husband works, he just doesnt earn!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

first day of work... almost

I woke up early, got dressed very fancy, got stuck on the train for 1 hour 20 minutes, get to the office and the security guard does not let me up. I go to starbucks learn mishnayos, walk around a little, buy myself an ice cream (it was chof-k just to spite them) and came back to YU for a nap. I think I can do this for the rest of my life.

Chaim G

Monday, May 24, 2010

ayfo mommy

chaim and i are hungry and mommy isnt answering her phone. do you think she is avoiding us? ooohhhh wait, chaim just called ta and ma is by the eye dr. we should have been dan l'kaf zechus.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

watching Iron Chef with the rents

no post necessary

yay for yos!!!!

although you all know already i feel this occasion deserves a post. yos is making on the potty!!! for all those who have been zoche to see his little tushy in underwear know just how much cuter he is now. [fyi we are wearing spongebob today]. unclear if i am pushing the boundries by posting pics, will discuss with my husband.

Friday, May 21, 2010

I guess I slept too much on shvuous

Couldn't sleep tonight. Davened vasikin and trying round #2

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I feel like the yantif goy!

We had a beautiful yantif. Chaim, Elozer send his regaurds.
Good Yantif, Bas

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

i like being pregnant erev yom tov

that way i can justify all the food im noshing on while i cook. im so wiped i cant move which is why im blogging instead of finding my kitchen counters. does it count if you make chatzos on erev yom tov? huge shkoyach to sita for coming in 2 hours earlier today. i really want to post pics of my gorgeous cheesecake but im once again to tierd to do so. it is really stunning, i cant garuntee that it tastes good but atleast it looks nice.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


RL made cha on the toilet. The rest of the day she walked around im my underwear (i'm trying to keep this post the same rateing as chaims ncsy movie. )

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Please HELP

I'm on the 2nd floor of the library and the girl sitting next to me (yes, its finals) is wearing way too much perfume. If anyone can please bring an oxygen mask it would be much appreciated. (hope she is not looking over my shoulder)

Chaim G

Monday, May 10, 2010

NCSY movie

Today I had to film a movie for regionals. Every year the advisors make a funny movie this years was my idea. Its an infomercial for a product that keeps tzitzis out of awkward places. We tried to keep it rated PG but didnt work out so well. When its done it will be posted.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

happy mothers day

this is instead of a card. i didnt have time to go to cvs. so if this email applies to you take it for what it is worth. the kids came home with cute projects [which they were very good at keeping a secret of all week]. yos made a mirror and chavi made a recipe holder. see everyone later.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My dream is coming true

I was talking to DD (my roomate) in the library and someone came over (name: eli gewritz) and said "do you think chaim has gotten cooler since he got to YU" and my roomate responded yeah. (please make sure this blog post gets to adam schachar)

Monday, May 3, 2010

a true 5 towner

rumbles is ready to go out for a lunch date. he climbed up on the chair by himself and ate my salad from gotta getta bagel.

Summer Plans

So what do you think of Shaindy and me being madrichot to 400 unaffiliated women in Eretz Yisrael this summer?

Everything hurts, Everything kills and Everything itches

I rode the TD five boro bike tour today, it was very gishmak. My entire body got sun burnt besides for my bum, but thank G-d the bicycle seat took care of that for me. I am in need of serious pain killers!! (this post is a joke because if anyone asks me I say it doesnt hurt)

PS - this is post #300

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Scared for my Life

Outside my window is the biggest bon fire i have ever seen. There are 450 charedi kids (anyway, who w/d want there kids to be charedi?) and three responsible 14 year old sisters. A ligchtiga lag baomer.